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Pokemon Go移动版定期引入强大的形态,虽然主线游戏多年来可能已经放弃了Mega进化。Mega Garchomp是一只强大的宝可梦,具有巨大的攻击力和双重龙/地面属性,对其他宝可梦构成真正的威胁。Mega Garchomp Raid Day活动将于2023年11月11日星期六下午2点至5点当地时间举行,训练师们有三个小时的时间来参加团队战。Mega ...
Evolving Garchomp makes this powerhouse even more effective—but you'll need plenty of Mega Energy, which you can earn more of by quickly defeating Mega Garchomp in Mega Raids. Doing so could be a sound choice, because Mega Garchomp is a terrific pick when taking on Dialga, Palkia, and ...
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Pokemon GO Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, and many other Pokémon have been discovered on planet Earth. Now’s your chance to discover and capture the Pokémon all around you—so get your shoes on, step outside, and explore the world. You’ll join one of three teams and battle...