注明下:我的蓄力技能DPS计算了暴击,所以和老外不一样,算法为:(技能伤害+技能伤害*暴击率*暴击倍率)/释放时间 其中暴击倍率,我按照1.25来算的,和一些表格1.5的有出入,因为目前GO的属性克制最高都1.25,NGA有玩家对比后估算暴击提升为1.25,因此我采用的1.25计算,如有错误,请指正 由于平衡补丁太突然,各精灵的最佳技能...
阿湯這幾天一直在看相關 Pokemon Go 相關精靈的資料,不過好像大家都是用國外的資料居多,好像沒有專門台灣的版本,所以就花了一點時間,乾脆來整理一張大表格,可以直接查看全部 Pokemon 精靈的相關資料,包含屬性、最大 CP 值、升級需求以及技能等,讓大家更方便的隨時查看,不用分散的去搜尋,當然最主要是「中文」應該...
意思是输出DPS,即Damage Per Second,秒伤害的意思,是游戏术语。一般情况下DPS后边应是数字 代表平均每秒对目标造成的伤害是多少比如DPS 3000 就表示在一段时间内某人对某目标平均每秒造成3000点的伤害 而在很多在线游戏中玩家组队召唤队友时所说的“来T 来DPS”中的DPS 实际是DPSer 可以理解成伤害输...
I wasn’t going to go walking out in the dark and cold, but I felt like this shouldn’t be that hard. But I am also a bit fussy about when I walk, and restricted by work. I don’t like to walk in the dark, or when it is raining, or when it is too hot, and I have to...
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Moves Calculator for Pokemon GO is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Pokemon, Niantic or Nintendo. more What’s New Version History Version 1.0 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.Ratings and Reviews 5.0 out of 5 2 RatingsApp...
A Pokémon that was made stronger by Team GO Rocket through unnatural means. They deal more damage in battle than non-Shadow Pokémon but also receive more damage from opponents’ attacks. Same-Type Attack Bonus The additional damage done when a Pokémon uses an attack that matches its type ...
Pokemon inPokemon Gohas a shiny form. To increase the chance of shiny Pokemon appearing during raids, the raid will need to have a full party. Meaning 20 players need to be active in the raid. 1 out of the 20 trainers will be guaranteed a shiny encounter. Shiny Pokemon also have a 10...