公式如下:CP = floor((Base Attack + Attack IV) * (Base Defense + Defense IV)^0.5 * (Base HP + HP IV)^0.5 * (PowerUpValue^2) / 10 )简单来说,种族值越低的项IV影响越大,反之越小,这也很容易理解,10+15和200+15显然是前者的15影响更大。就现在版本来说,我们当然是希望IV越大越好。如果...
最近pokemon go出了appraise功能,就是衡量这些个体值,这个等一下再继续说。这个0到15的个体值的作用很微妙。等级越高,这个的影响就越小。当每一次power up的时候,这三个属性都分别增加,但是你能看到的就只有它的HP和CP这个指示器而已。 power up会用到candy和stardust。candy是每一种小精灵独有的,不能共用。...
These Pokemon Go Defense Forme Deoxys Raid counters will help you catch this variant in Raids between Thursday, Sept 1 until Tuesday, Sept 13.
Defense Types which areNot effectiveagainst Bug Type: Grass, Fighting, Ground TypesSuper Effectiveon Bug Type: Fire, Flying, Rock Ghost Type Pokemon Ghost is the eighth Pokemon among the 18 types of Pokemon. This type has only few pokemon. All have low HP and move set. Ghost type pokemon...
代歐奇希斯防禦形態在Pokemon GO遊戲裡的資料: 代歐奇希斯防禦形態在50等CP達到2570,本身擁有優秀的坦度,曾經配合著雙倍奉還能帶來多屬性壓制,與精神突進快速出擊造成卓越的傷害,但在雙倍奉還被下修蓄能後,出招明顯變慢讓它的排名一落千丈,就目前狀況來看並非不能用,只是彈性上就差距甚遠。
s HP is higherAt full HP, its base power is 120 and it decreases in proportionThe power is: 120 × (CurrentHP / MaxHP of the opponent) 116 Curse TM164 Ghost Status 1 1000 5 0 Curse increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stageCurse increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage...
PoKeMoN Go Evolution Calculator PoKeMoN Go Moveset Calculator PoKeMoN Go Name Generator PoKeMoN Go Generation 2 Name Generator Game Idea Generator Map Idea Generator PoKeMoN Go Moveset Calculator Calculate the offense and defense ratings for your pokemon Pokemon: Fast Move: Charge Move: Ge...
003F = HP Up 0040 = Protein 0041 = Iron 0042 = Carbos 0043 = Calcium 0044 = Rare Candy 0045 = PP Up 0046 = Zinc 0047 = PP Max 0049 = Guard Spec 004A = Dire Hit 004B = X Attack 004C = X Defend 004D = X Speed 004E = X Accuracy ...
Whatmakes Blissey truly fearsome is her massive HP complemented by high defense stat, which prolong**attles to the point where timing out is a real possibility for unprepared attackers.The length of these battles also allows her to output considerable damagedespite a rather bad attack stat.随着...
Fixed list of charged attacks for Venonat (#3548) + BaseDefense/BaseStamina info fix #3550 (amal) Revert "Better inventory: attacks & movesets, IV CP perfection, pokemon level, etc.." #3549 (nikhil-pandey) run.bat for windows #3542 (sia84) Ensure recycling happens if bag is over capac...