Pokemon Go Battle Simulator with Generation 2 Pokemon! Evolve Calculator, Charts, CP, Map, Evolution, Attacks, Locations, Pokestops. Best web site for Pokemon
The Pokemon GO breakpoint calculator was built to help you find your pokemon's offensive breakpoints and plan your power-ups accordingly.
Pokemon: IV Minimum: att: 0123456789101112131415 def: 0123456789101112131415 hp: 0123456789101112131415 Level Cap: 5554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312 Prod Stats Great LeagueUltra LeagueMaster LeaugeLittle CupCalculate
Pokemon个体值计算器app是一款可以帮助用户进行宝可梦个体值计算的软件,它可以直接根据宝可梦的各项数据进行计算获得其个体值,确定宝可梦的培养价值。同时个体值又缩写为IV,是隐藏在Pokemon GO游戏中的决定战力(或称CP)的关键因素。
Description Find Pokemon IV? Wonder power up & Evolution CP? This app is enough! Find the best attacker poke! Use this CP Calculator and you can figure out which pokemon you should focus on. Best tool to level up as fast as possible!!
《Pokemon GO战力进化计算器:Evolution Calculator》这款APP功能说明: 1. CP进化计算:用户可以选择自己的宠物小精灵,并输入当前的CP值,该应用将计算出宠物小精灵在进化之后可能的CP增加值。 2. 幸运蛋XP计算器:应用中还提供了幸运蛋XP计算器功能,用户可以使用该功能计算在使用幸运蛋时,宠物小精灵进化所能获得的经验...
Pokemon GO战力进化计算器app可以推算出宝可梦进化之后的战力预计值,是想要挑战道馆的猫友助力伙伴。喜欢的朋友快来IT猫扑下载使用吧~ 应用说明 在Pokemon Go战力进化计算器中小伙伴只需要选择你的宠物小精灵的Cp即可算错你的宠物宝贝的战斗力 应用特色 1.玩家了解宠物必备 ...
They’ll have a higher or no CP level, which will indicate they are too powerful, even for your great throws in Pokemon Go. In this situation, the Razz Berries will come extremely handy as they’ll soften the Pokemon for a while and it’ll become way easier to catch it. You can ...
1. Take screenshot of a Pokemon on the PokemonGO app. 2. Move to this app. 3. Tap top left button and reveal menu page. 4. Set your trainer level. 5. Select a Pokemon. 6. Menu page is concealed automatically so please select a screenshot from bottom of calculation page. ...
https://pokemongo.gamepress.gg/pokemongo-iv-calculator#/有计算器,输入怪的名字、CP、HP、当前Power UP所需星辰量,即可计算出所有可能IV值,还可以输入上一条所说的描述信息排除掉一些。如果出现了多种可能而又实在想知道具体数值,可以power up几次或者进化后再计算看一看能否排除。也有辅助APP帮助计算,截屏后APP...