One of the sub-leagues within the GO Battle League. Great League permits Pokémon with a CP of 1,500 or less to participate. HP Hit Points (HP) show how healthy a Pokémon is, indicating how much damage it can take before it faints. HP is one of three individual strengths that ca...
Pokémon Glossary Video Game Glossary Pokémon TCG Glossary GO Battle League Glossary Parents Guide Organize Events Play! Pokémon Professor Program Become a Pokémon Professor Start a League Host Play! Pokémon Events Play! Pokémon Hosting Requirements About Play! Pokémon Grassroots Events ...
需要指出的是,上表数据整合于PVP发布早期,随着时间的推移,越来越多的新招式和新效果被加入,尤其是GO对战联盟上线之后,所以跳出新手期后请勿无脑根据上表配招,但上表的EPS、DPS等数据还是可以参考的。 GO对战联盟 GO对战联盟(GO Battle League)是2020年新增的功能,基本就相当于天梯,需要和来自世界各地的训练家对战。...
精灵宝可梦GO国际服游戏简介 新的! 现在,您可以在线与其他神奇宝贝Go Trainers作战! 今天尝试GO Battle League! 加入全球培训师,他们在探索周围的世界时发现神奇宝贝。 PokémonGo是一种全球游戏的感觉,已下载超过10亿次,并被TechCrunch的游戏开发人员选择奖和“年度最佳应用程序”评为“最佳手机游戏”。 精灵宝可梦GO...
pokemon go官方简介 新!现在,您可以在线与其他神奇宝贝 GO 训练师战斗!立即尝试 GO Battle League! 加入全球各地的训练家,他们在探索周围世界时发现神奇宝贝。 Pokémon GO 是全球轰动的游戏,下载量超过 10 亿次,被游戏开发者选择奖评为“最佳手机游戏”,被 TechCrunch 评为“年度最佳应用程序”。___ 探索神奇宝...
对战模式「Trainer Battles」将分成 3 个联赛级别,左起 Great League、Ultra League 及 Master League。(Pokemon GO) 换言之,小精灵除了靠 CP 值的「蛮力」之外,属性及技巧的配搭亦非常重要。每一个级别联赛,各位训练员都可以用 3 只小精灵组队参加。由于出赛小精灵数目少于道馆战,大家要更小心去组合自己的团队...
Pokebattler supports both GO Battle League and Silph Arena Cups. Our Random Shield settings are a great way to quickly analyze which Pokemon have the advantage over others. But dive in to see all the different shield scenarios. The Top 30 rankings give you an idea of what wins against the...
早一步在 10 月间曝光的《Pokemon GO》新PVP对战系统「GO Battle League」今(12)日释出更多详情,包括 3 大联赛与赛季架构。 「Pokemon GO Battle League」共计 3 种联赛总计区分 3 种联赛「Super League」(超级联赛)、「Hyper League」(超越联赛)、「Master League」(大师联赛),一个赛季包含 3 种联赛,依...
and several of these are available from the BATTLE menu, accessed by hitting the "Poké Ball" icon in the bottom-center of the screen, and choosing BATTLE about halfway up on the right edge of your screen; then under GO BATTLE LEAGUE choose to battle for "Basic Rewards" or "Premium Rew...