Here are the best Pokemon Fire Red cheats: Unlimited Rare Candy (Cheat type: Code Breaker) Cheat code: 820258400044 How to use: Enter the code, and then check your PC to receive the Rare Candy. Obtain All Gym Badges (Cheat type: GameShark V3/Action Replay) Cheat Code: EFCE867D 5403D...
If you haven’t tried any of them, we highly recommend trying ’em out and promise it’s better than the regular FireRed. See here our collection ofPokemon Fire Red ROM Hacks ListandPokemon ROM Hacks. Important: Exciting news for Pokemon FireRed fans! We’ve discovered new andworking chea...
How to use: Enter mastercode (optional), the mega stones code and go to Pokemart and buy the first item in the list for 0. The first item should be the mega stone of your choice. See preview image above. Mastercode: 000014D1 000A 10044EC8 0007 Cheat codes: 82003884 0109 = Mega Rin...
To enter and activate Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen cheat codes, you must first check which kind of cheats can be used for the device you are playing on. If you are using a physical GBA, then you will need a GameShark or Action Replay to use cheats. Whereas for ...
Shiny Pokemon (Action Replay/GameShark) Cheat code: 8636B1D6 CA4AB2A9 18452A7D DDE55BCC or (If the above shiny cheat does not work, try the alternative cheat below) MASTER CODE 9839927F5FA2 0987C8AA34A7 4B0560A9F0C3 SHINY CODE
Get all starter Pokemon 0100BAD7 Walk Through Walls 0108A3CE 0108A4CE 0108A5CE 0108A6CE Shiny Pokemon Encounter 010719D1 Travel/Teleport Enter code 01XXEDCE and replace XX with the corresponding location ID. 00 Your House 01 Viridian City Pokemon Center ...
Find all Pokemon Emerald cheats, browse the most popular Gameshark codes such as Walk Through Walls, Rare Candy, Shiny, Legendary and more.
Solution: Select the correct type for that cheat; the majority of cheats are either CodeBreaker or Action Replay codes type, so if the first one didn’t work out, switch to the other one. Be sure to check the cheat if it is compatible with your game version. For FireRed-based rom ha...