Fakemon is a term used for fan-made Pokemon games. This is prominent for ROM hacks when the programmers can add their own versions of Pokemon. This leads us to our list of 10 best Pokemon ROM hacks with Fakemonlist that you can check and try out. When it comes to Fakemon, these ga...
I hope this clears out the misconception. Just remember, fan-made and rom hacks are two different things. In this post, you will find a list of popular fan made Pokemon games. Conclusion Pokemon fan games are great. Some of these Pokemon fan games are better than the official ones, as ...
The next are the sections for who love old-school games (GB/GBC) and PC games. With GBC/GB Hacks, not too many people want to try because they want more modern in-game graphics; but if you have time or love old retro styles, you should try some completed GBC hacks with the full ...
Fake Pokémon, AKA Fakemon, is a fan art phenomenon, with some wickedly talented artists making new monsters every day just for the love of the craft. You could spend weeks scrolling through page after page of Fakemon fan art, but the best is right here. From cute little cudd...
Pokemon Nebula is a RPG Maker XP hack, but it is more different. All of us have known that Pokemon games are funny, easy-to-play with many details for children. Yup, we all appreciated that. So why don't you try to play Pokemon Nebula? Attention all poke
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8260 Base Stats HP: 100 Attack: 150 Defense: 110 SpAttack: 95 SpDefense: 110 Speed: 70 Total: 635 Default Ability 1: Observer Default Ability 2: Slow Tough Default Ability 3: Water Master Concept Artist: Nintendo Artwork Artist: Smiley-Fakemon Where Mega Swampert can be captured: Display...
In the main series of Pokémon games, Route 23 is located in the region of Unova, and connects Victory Road to the Pokémon League. It is a rocky, mountainous area with several trainers to battle and items to collect. Inpokemon infinite fusion speed up, the game takes place in a fan-ma...
While Pokemon Gaia doesn’t include any fakemon or fan-made mega evolutions, it does integrate mega evolutions incredibly well into not just its battles, but its story as well. New Pokemon in Pokemon Gaia While Pokemon Gaia is a hack of a Gen III pokemon game, the Pokedex and all ...
When Hormel launched Spam, it became a consumer hit--complete with fan clubs that honored and praised this canned meat product. Made of pork with ham meat, water, potato starch, sugar, and sodium nitrite, Spam still spawns new recipe ideas and contests, keeping the product internationally popu...