In the Pokémon world, Fairy types also differ in their appearance. When they engage in combat, Fairy-type moves are super-effective against Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type Pokémon. Theirweaknesses, on the other hand, are Poison and Steel-type moves. Also read:15 Best Pokemon ROM Hacks Wit...
Fairy-type Pokemon are super effective against fighting pokemon. And, these include popular pokemon, like Mankey, Machop, Machoke, and Hitmonlee. Additionally, the fairy types can surprisingly defect against the Dragon types. Use Togekiss against Dratini to overcome the gym challenges. Besides, you ...
Fairy-type Pokemon first made their appearance inPokemon X and Yand are the answer to facing Dragon-types successfully. They have two weaknesses from Poison and Steel. However, they are Super Effective against some of the most popular offensive types in thePokemonVideo Game Championships (VGC): ...
钢系 steel type 妖精系 fairy type activate v.触发,开始起作用 affect v.影响 air n.空气 area n.地区,区域 aroma n.芳香,香味 asleep adv/adj.熟睡地,睡着的 ate v.吃(eat的过去式)attacker n.攻击者,进攻者 avoid v.避开,避免 badly adv.非常,坏 break v.破,打破 burn v/n.燃烧,烧...
Moves:Belly Drum (Normal), Liquidation (Water), Play Rough (Fairy), Superpower (Fighting) Umbreon (Dark) Ability:Synchronize Held Item:Light Clay Moves:Helping Hand (Normal), Light Screen (Psychic), Snarl (Dark), Taunt (Dark) Blissey (Normal) ...
Psychic / Fairy StatAmountBar Graph Max CP3539 Attack237 Defense195 Stamina169 Flee Rate -1% Capture Rate -1% Rarity Standard Buddy Candy Distance 5 KM Egg Hatch N/A Buddy Size 19 Pokedex Entry Gardevoir has the ability to read the future. If it senses impending danger to its Trainer, ...
Types which areNot effectiveagainst Poison Type: Grass, Fighting, Bug, Poison, Fairy TypesSuper Effectiveon Poison Type: Ground Psychic Ground Type Pokemon Ground is the fifth Pokemon among the 18 types of Pokemon. Ground type Pokemon has abilities that are related to ground. They hate water ty...
Fairy Moves Advertisement What is Pokemon GO Mr Mime Weak Against It's Weak to GhostSteel and Poison Type Moves. However, it will take less damage from and is resistant to Fighting, Psychic, Dragon Type Moves. Weak Against Ghost 1.4x ...
Dodrio, Doduo, Girafarig, Houndoom, Houndour, Kangaskhan, Ledian, Ledyba, Natu, Nuzleaf, Seedot, Shiftry, Sunflora, Sunkern, Xatu. TM73 Thunder Wave Electric NA 100% Paralyzes the target. This move activates Motor Drive. (Nimbasa City PokeCenter P10000). Azurill Fairy Group or Water Group...
Piercing Dust: 80 BP special Fairy move that hits Steel-types super effectively. Gardevoir, Diancie, and Azumarill are all confirmed to get it. Shrapnel Shot: Special Steel-type move that hits every member of the opposing team for 25 BP. Heatran and Magnezone both get it, so expect Scarf...