Summary: Workable movepool and offenses and incredible Defense, but Torkoal is held back by terrible Speed and a mediocre typing for Hoenn. Name: Trapinch Availability: Trapinch can be found in the desert part of Route 111 with a 35% chance at levels 19 to 21. Summary: Relies on Dig unti...
+3 Double Kick OHKOs Camerupt and 2HKOs Torkoal. Still feels like a B to me, and sweeping Flannery doesn't change my opinion that the mon has been mediocre.
The hardest part about doing a Dragon Run are their late availability and ESPECIALLY their exposure to weaknesses. As such, without a doubt, the best games for a Dragon run areSword and Shield. Once you get into the Wild Area go tothis denand throw in a Wishing Piece if it hasn’t sp...
The hardest part about doing a Dragon Run are their late availability and ESPECIALLY their exposure to weaknesses. As such, without a doubt, the best games for a Dragon run areSword and Shield. Once you get into the Wild Area go tothis denand throw in a Wishing Piece if it hasn’t sp...
I actually hadn't tried to beat Wattson or Flannery because I found them annoying but was planning to on my Emerald run. I do think in Kirlia's favor it has a better shot than Kadabra because of CM, but Torkoal's Body Slam should still be a bitch. My only hesitation is due...
Johtois also not the best as Scizor and Steelix is acquired by trading so you’re limited to just three Pokemon and even then Skarmory is found in just Silver, Crystal, and SS.Ruby, Sapphire, and Emeraldare incrementally better as you can neutralize your weaknesses but it’s not a whole...