Generate Pokemon-themed passwords with this fun online tool. Choose your favorite generation and get started!
Then, trade it to Pokemon Emerald. Kingdra Note: This requires a link cable. Raise a Horsea into a Seadra, then catch a Bagon. Take Bagon's Dragon Scale and give it to Seadra. Next, trade Seadra to a friend and Seadra should evolve into Kingdra . Then trade Kingdra back to your...
汉化预发布 Pok..上次发布ROWE汉化的时候,有位吧友提了一句,试玩了下 一下子就被吸引了,二话不说,立马就开启了汉化。也是反编译过的改版,这么好玩的改版这么久没人汉化 估计也是因为破解字库非常麻烦吧。现在汉化项目在收