Pokemon Crystal Cheats, GameShark Codes for Game Boy Color Warning This is some sort of warning: depending on your Pokemon Crystal ROM version, applying these cheats may cause your game to crash or occasionally become glitchy. Turn on one cheat at a time and disable another after using it. ...
Working Pokemon Emerald Cheats on Delta Emulator for iOS To all iOS users who are using Delta Emulator, we are excited to share that cheats are fully functional in Pokemon Emerald. To apply the cheats, simply add the cheat code and choose the corresponding cheat type. In the screenshot provi...
Caution: As always, I warn every player who wishes to use cheats on their Pokemon gaming. Enabling cheats may be fun, but there are possible consequences you might encounter when misused. Also, try not to activate too many cheats at once, and be sure to disable a cheat after use. Click...