2.Together2008/あきよしふみえ(DP079-DP095) 3.击掌!/小智(松本梨香)&小光(豊口めぐみ(DP096-DP133) 4.击掌!2009/小智(松本梨香)&小光(豊口めぐみ)(DP134-DP157) 5.最棒・每一天!/あきよしふみえ(DP158-DP182) 6. 最棒・每一天!(BAND VERSION)/あきよしふみえ(DP183-DP193) ...
DP Strongest Milotic Japanese Japan 50 December 15, 2007 to January 14, 2008 Pt 2008 TCG World Championships Milotic Japanese Japan 50 October 12, 2008 to January 25, 2009 DPPt Video Game Championships 2009 Milotic English United States 50 May 9 to June 13, 2009 DPPt Video Game Championships...
DP Trainer KitMay 2007 Secret WondersNovember 2007Lavaflow Theme Deck Powerhouse Theme Deck Great EncountersFebruary 2008Eternal Time Theme Deck Infinite Space Theme Deck Endless Night Theme Deck Majestic DawnMay 2008Polar Frost Theme Deck Forest Force Theme Deck ...
3In the manga 3.1Ash & Pikachu 3.2The Electric Tale of Pikachu 3.3Movie adaptations 3.4Pokémon Journeys: The Series 3.5Pocket Monsters DP 3.6Pocket Monsters HGSS 3.7Pokémon Adventures 3.8Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys 3.9Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All 3.10Pokémon HeartGold SoulSilver: Po...
DP Stormfront: November 5, 2008 Platinum Series Platinum: February 11, 2009 Platinum Rising Rivals: May 16, 2009 Platinum Supreme Victors: August 19, 2009 Platinum Arceus: November 4, 2009 HeartGold & SoulSilver Series HeartGold & SoulSilver: February 10, 2010 ...
2009-02-11 10:58:50 am Let the music play! I guess I'm so used to DP these days, I forgot that Shadow Ball is physical in Adv. So, for the Zangoose strategy, you would have three moves really, being a STAB Normal move, Brick Break, and Shadow Ball, and the fourth would likely...
【宝可梦BDSP/DP复刻】对战塔强力连胜队伍推荐+打法详解(后附实战录播) 5.0万 13 02:10 App 宝可梦剑盾:只要能按A就能赢?剑盾对战塔无脑阵容,人人轻松大师球 3.0万 20 09:05 App 【宝可梦:晶灿钻石/明亮珍珠】对战塔单打阵容推荐 4.9万 6 04:56 App 【宝可梦钻石珍珠复刻】发家致富!一周目快速刷钱和...
Also took about a hundred ultra balls and Sacred Fire and Fire Blast hurt. (It apparently had a Modest Nature. No wonder.) Beldum in DP can go suck an egg too. I wouldn't call them a capture though because I failed miserably. Reply With Quote ...
让世界痛苦 友情汉化:云淡风清,惜惜,卡布达 文本导入、菜单汉化:Nightind 宣传:寒暄 测试润色:让世界痛苦,寒暄 v1.1更新 重新制作修正了闪光色的宝可梦图片; 修正技能,道具,宝可梦等名词采用官译; 技能DP化;汉化了部分遗漏的文本; 小幅修复部分玩家提出的BUG; 标题文字采用“小学馆”的素材, 另对口袋群星SP表示...