Detective Pikachu star Justice Smith shares a frustrating update on the sequel's progress. ByAli Valle Jan 23, 2024 Best Stories to Adapt for a Live-Action Pokémon Movie Movie Lists The Pokémon franchise has told many great stories over the years. Here are some that would work great as a...
Watch POKÉMON Detective Pikachu at Emagine Entertainment theatres near you. Find showtimes and book your seats for an unforgettable cinematic experience with Emagine theatres.
When ace detective Harry Goodman goes mysteriously missing, his son Tim (Justice Smith) embarks on a journey to find out what happened.
A unique spin-off for the Nintendo 3DS, Detective Pikachu follows the story of a talking Pikachu and his human partner, Tim Goodman, as they solve mysteries and uncover the truth about Tim's missing father. Featuring a rich, fully-voiced narrative and a cast of endearing characters, Detective...
A unique spin-off for the Nintendo 3DS, Detective Pikachu follows the story of a talking Pikachu and his human partner, Tim Goodman, as they solve mysteries and uncover the truth about Tim's missing father. Featuring a rich, fully-voiced narrative and a cast of endearing characters, Detective...
A unique spin-off for the Nintendo 3DS, Detective Pikachu follows the story of a talking Pikachu and his human partner, Tim Goodman, as they solve mysteries and uncover the truth about Tim's missing father. Featuring a rich, fully-voiced narrative and a cast of endearing characters, Detective...
A unique spin-off for the Nintendo 3DS, Detective Pikachu follows the story of a talking Pikachu and his human partner, Tim Goodman, as they solve mysteries and uncover the truth about Tim's missing father. Featuring a rich, fully-voiced narrative and a cast of endearing characters, Detective...
A unique spin-off for the Nintendo 3DS, Detective Pikachu follows the story of a talking Pikachu and his human partner, Tim Goodman, as they solve mysteries and uncover the truth about Tim's missing father. Featuring a rich, fully-voiced narrative and a cast of endearing characters, Detective...
15 Easter Eggs In 'Detective Pikachu' You Definitely Missed The Best Pokemon Movies Of All Time, Ranked 18 Incredibly Rare Pokémon Cards That Could Pay Off Your Student Loan Debt Every Main Pokemon Game, Ranked From Hardest To Easiest The Funniest Things Pokémon NPCs Have Ever Said The Best...
'Let’s Go, Pikachu!' And 'Let’s Go, Eevee!' Easter Eggs 15 Easter Eggs In 'Detective Pikachu' You Definitely Missed 10 Fan Theories That Explain Why Ash Ketchum Never Ages The Best Pokemon Movies Of All Time, RankedTRENDING TODAY The 15 Most Difficult Video Games To Beat, Ranked By...