If you are currently looking atsmogon/damage-calcand not a fork, this is the official repository for the Pokémon Showdown! damage calculator:https://calc.pokemonshowdown.com. This repository houses both the package implementing the core damage formula mechanics in each generation (@smogon/calc)...
Considering this technique works on cartridge (and even easier than on showdown) I would have to assume that this is not considered cheating, and is simply tool use akin to the likes of showdex or the damage calculator. However would love to see an opinion from someone like DaWoblefet who...
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #777 Togedemaru: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
[1] Before Generation IV, Wobbuffet could not damage a Ghost- or Dark-type Pokémon (without the use of Struggle) that uses an attack of its own type because all Ghost moves were physical (the Ghost type is immune to Counter) and all Dark moves were special (the Dark type is immune ...
假象克雷色利亚的HP能力值等于克雷色利亚的极限HP,特防物防能力值都等于+1的极限 +4 31820 口袋改版资源吧 卧看微尘 【汉化】宝可梦相遇计算器工具发布分享一个挺好用的软件,名字叫“宝可梦相遇计算器”(英文名:Pokemon Encounter Calculator)。 作者是AngefloSH,他将这个项目的源代码发布在了github上,项目名为...
Allows you to see if a pokemon learns a specific move. Also shows you if a move is from a prior gen, from an event, an egg move or pre-evolution. /calc Links you to the damage calculator created by Honko. Used to see how much an attack would do against a target including t...
Adding up all of my optimizations, I was able to take this part of my reverse damage calculator from about 15-20 seconds of run time down to about 2. The two biggest optimizations were pre-calculating as much of the damage formula as possible and moving it to a shallower loop, and usin...
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #8389 Mega Torterra: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
Increases damage when you make a match of three. Pokémon Rumble Rush 80px Walking Speed: 1.17 seconds Base HP: 54 Base Attack: 78 Base Defense: 53 Base Speed: 60 Evolution Unevolved Oricorio Fire Flying Forms Red Nectar Baile Style Oricorio Fire Flying ↔ Yellow Nectar Pom-Pom...
, but I'm going to combine it with my reverse damage calculator soon so I can also get exact moveset / EV combinations. This way, I can get more detailed stats so I can get move set stats similar to the "team mate stats". I'm about to add a move set predictor, which means ...