- Spare sets of clothes (x2) - $100,- Pokemon: Spearow (will add proper thingy once I get on my PC) TLDR: Small kid with temperamental issues aswell as a shady past. Loves Pokemon, hates spending time with humans. Colour:Blue...damn you Ogo, you stole my national color!
Pokémon SM are good step ups from XY, but nowehere close to being the best games in the series for me. Alola is beautiful, but far too linear and corridor like, lacking the exploration the series once had. The story is pretty good actually and fun. New Pokémon are pretty good, exce...
This game is extremely underrated. The game looks beautiful for the 3DS. Mega evolution was an amazing gimmick. Lumoise city looks great but is a bit too big for the 3DS. Roller skates are fun to use. And the game introduced clothes. the clothes in this game were the best in the seri...
With clothes and bags still drying in the sunlight, the trio of trainers and their pokémon defaulted to their usual method of passing time. Training. Standing just a few yards away from Corvisquire, Lee watches his pokémon charge Swift with Dark-Type energy. Slowly but surely, the shining ...
How to Complete: Find Hearty Grains from the area near the Crimson Mirelands and bring them to Tao Hua. Request #24 Inspiration From Hippopotas You’ll find Anthe in the clothes store who requests you to research for some new clothes. ...
The man was just as wild as the forest he likely came from, with leaves littering his thick black beard and his clothes being rather dirty. He either was a bit of a slob with his camping set up or had been out of touch with civilization for a while now. He rolled his shoulders and...
All there was were his personal belongings, his sandwich, and the clothes he had bought. Fully disguised and everything, he took a breather before starting to make his way out of the store. He will not let this thieves get their hands on the Master Ball. Ganryu AtlannianSpy Last edited...
“Well kid, you could always trade with me. One Roggenrola right here.†A large man with a dark beard stated. He looked to be a hiker with his brown dirt clothes and backpack. Cheren was caught off guard, not noticing him before. Was his eyesight that bad? â...
tiny limbs move at lightning speeds to execute this attack. Still, Morepeko is near the bottom of the list because it’s trying too hard to be cute, the beady little eyes and single buck tooth make it so cute that it’s kind of annoying. Like when people dress their dogs in clothes...
While Lusamine talked with Mohn, Lillie and Gladion decided to look around the cabin for clues, which led them to finding their father's old clothes and a mirror in a room. Through the aid of Ash, Goh, and Chloe, Lillie and Gladion were able to snap Mohn out of his amnesia by ...