ThePokemon TCG Onlineis a free to play downloadable MMOTCG version of thePokémon Trading Card Game, where players can test their skills in solo modes or in multiplayer modes against each other. They can form powerful decks by collecting cards through various methods and reward systems. The ga...
【steam资讯】 Pokemon Company日前面向PC, Mac, iOS和Android平台公布了名为《Pokemon Trading Card Game Live》(《宝可梦TCG Live》)的宝可梦主题卡牌集换游戏。它将作为一款免费游戏在全球发行,并在发行时...
超级进化(Mega Evolutions)在《宝可梦X/Y》中首次登场,并在《宝可梦集换式卡片游戏(Pokemon Trading Card Game,简称PTCG)》中出现。虽然这些卡片深受粉丝喜爱,但它们并未持续太久,很快就被GX、VMAX和VSTAR卡片所取代。随着《宝可梦传说:阿尔宙斯(Pokemon Legends: Arceus)》回归到《宝可梦X/Y》的时代,超级...
Pokémon Trading Card Game Game Boy Color, Nintendo 3DS 441 votes Transitioning from physical cards to digital gameplay, the Pokémon Trading Card Game video game brings the excitement of collecting, trading, and battling with Pokémon cards to the Game Boy Color. Players build decks, acquire new...
宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏(Pokemon Trading Card Game,简称PTCG)粉丝制作令人印象深刻的超梦主题卡盒 一位《宝可梦》(Pokemon)的粉丝设计了一款妙蛙花(Mewtwo)卡牌夹,非常适合存放《宝可梦卡牌游戏》(The Pokemon Card Game)或其他如《魔法:集结》(Magic: The Gathering)的卡牌。这个创意的《宝可梦》想法引发了一...
宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏(Pokemon Trading Card Game,简称PTCG)口袋玩家正在将移动游戏的规则引入现实世界的集换式卡牌游戏 Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket非常适合现实世界TCG的各类粉丝。它为收藏家提供了惊人的艺术作品,为战斗家提供了简洁的竞技模式。尽管TCG Pocket的竞技模式比其现实世界中的对应模式更为基础,但...
部分来自神宝百科 口袋妖怪集换式卡片游戏(日文∶ポケモンカードゲーム,英文∶Pokémon Trading Card Game,通常也被称作Pokémon TCG,简称PTCG。)是一个以口袋妖怪为主题,包含了收集、交换、对战等的桌面游戏。它有自己的游戏规则并且使用了许多游戏中的图片。它有着第五世代之前...
Pokémon Trading Card Game Game Boy Color, Nintendo 3DS 441 votes Transitioning from physical cards to digital gameplay, the Pokémon Trading Card Game video game brings the excitement of collecting, trading, and battling with Pokémon cards to the Game Boy Color. Players build decks, acquire new...
他们喜欢用其他好的套牌碾压玩家,在顶端测试他们的技能。Pocket的基于徽章的分组太广泛了,且在活动中没有上限,一旦达到更高水平就会变得很糟糕。如何连续赢得五场口袋妖怪集换式卡牌游戏(Pokemon Trading Card Game)的口袋对战?对于徽章活动而言,幸运的是,您不必连续赢得比赛。但数据挖掘表明,在未来的活动中,...
Pokemon Trading Card Game Live Players who log in to the ongoing beta version of Pokemon TCG Live–either on PC or on a mobile device–will receive a free cosmetic set marked with the words “Global Beta.” The set will include a deck box, card sleeves, and a coin. ...