大家好,今天为大家带来的是ROBLOX(国外最大的自制游戏平台)的一个独立同人游戏ROKEMON BRICK BRONZE! 不 分享92 pokevictory吧 笑😂话 一款志在比肩国外的优秀宝可梦游戏。大部分的独立游戏,不论是制作者还是玩家,通常都是奔着某种情怀或艺术追求而来,不同于大厂游戏,独立游戏相对小众但却有更自由的创作空间。
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blastoise is the leader of Team Hydro, a Bronze Rank rescue team. It joins a new team designed to rescue Team A.C.T. from Magma Cavern but fails to reach them. Blastoise appears to go exploring a lot as it discovers Western Cave and Meteor Cave. It reaches th...
To choose only completed games/hacks, you can accessCompleted Hacks page. There are some hacks which are not released (still work in progress) so you can only read their informations, view media and wait. We are working hard to keep updating new Hacks. If you have good hacks, we are ve...