水果宝可梦 Bounsweet 将首次亮相 Pokémon GO!今年5 月,某宝可梦将在 2 公里、5 公里和 10 公里的蛋中首次亮相 Pokémon GO。 v0.267.1新功能培训师,大机遇即将来临。 准备好迎接这个场合!通过春季到春季活动和 Pokémon GO 首次亮相来庆祝季节的转变!准备好迎接即将到来的精英突袭中的激动人心的挑战!帮助我们...
–Bounsweet 05% NON-OVERWORLD – Heavy Fog (Lv. 11-15): –Ralts 40% –Seedot 35% –Lotad 35% –Purrloin 20% –Budew 05% NON-OVERWORLD – Shaking Trees (Lv. 11-15): –Skwovet 70% –Cherubi 30% 004 – Watchtower Ruins: OVERWORLD – Normal Weather (Lv. 26-29): –Golett 60% ...
v0.269.2新功能培训师,这是Pokémon GO 的新内容!大机遇即将来临。 准备好迎接这个场合!水果宝可梦 Bounsweet 将首次亮相 Pokémon GO!今年5 月,某宝可梦将在 2 公里、5 公里和 10 公里的蛋中首次亮相 Pokémon GO。名称:Pokémon GO 包名:com.nianticlabs.pokemongo MD5值:f238ff35f146ebbdfe40ee187f63af...
Bounsweet 甜竹竹 761🇫🇷 48.87876,2.26493🇯🇵 35.66932,139.69595🇰🇿 49.80531,73.07947🇮🇩 -6.59595,106.80022🇪🇨 -0.14223,-78.48693🇳🇿 -36.87477,174.76615🇦🇺 -33.85711,151.20137🇮🇳 12.95111,77.58505🇪🇸 41.66475,-0.90637🇳🇿 -36.86777,174.73809Buneary 捲捲耳 427🇧...
761 Bounsweet 538 55 69 123 7 191 Sunkern 452 55 55 102 2 Pokemon Type Chart Moves | Grass Type Fast Moves for Grass type Name▲TypePower▲Duration (ms)▲Energy Delta▲ Vine Whip 7 600 6 Razor Leaf 13 1000 7 Bullet Seed 8 1100 14 Magical Leaf 16 1400 16 Leafage 9 700 6 Charged...
761 Bounsweet 538 55 69 123 7 183 Marill 528 37 93 172 2 13 Weedle 522 63 50 120 1 11 Metapod 515 45 80 137 1 10 Caterpie 500 55 55 128 1 14 Kakuna 494 46 75 128 1 789 Cosmog 494 54 57 125 7 235 Smeargle 493 40 83 146 2 213 Shuckle 463 17 396 85 2 401 Kricketot...
Bounsweet Sweat – Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to make TMs. Oranguru Fur – Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to make TMs. Passimian Fur – Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to make TMs. ...
we noticed a few Pokémon in this expansion that appear to be camouflaged. Take littleBounsweethere. Sitting among a pile of berries, this precious Pokémon would be undetectable if not for its cheerful smile. When reaching for a cup of tea on this table, take extra care not to accident...
48 甜竹竹宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Bounsweet 13:28 喷火龙宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Charizard 31:17 梦幻宝可梦折纸教程Origami Pokemon Mew 18:53 皮卡丘宝可梦折纸教程Origami Easy Pokemon Pikachu 12:31 果然翁 宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Wobbuffet Easy 08:16 胖可丁宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Wigglytuff Easy 07:18 蚊香君可梦...
48 甜竹竹宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Bounsweet 13:28 喷火龙宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Charizard 31:17 梦幻宝可梦折纸教程Origami Pokemon Mew 18:53 皮卡丘宝可梦折纸教程Origami Easy Pokemon Pikachu 12:31 果然翁 宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Wobbuffet Easy 08:16 胖可丁宝可梦折纸教程Pokemon Wigglytuff Easy 07:18 蚊香君可梦...