Pokemon Theta Emerald EXis the improved and latest version of the previous gamePokemon Theta Emerald, but despite the improvements and changes of Theta Emerald EX, the cheat codes listed may still work whichever version you are playing. Simply put, if you are playing Pokemon Theta Emerald you ca...
Ideal Team:Garchomp, Dialga (Diamond)/Palkia (Pearl)/Giratina (Platinum), Altaria (Platinum) First Pokémon:Gible in Wayward Cave. In Diamond and Pearl you need strength which is after the 6thgym. In Platinum, strength is not required and you can catch one after the second gym. Covers Wea...
the cheat code to spawn gengar does not work on Delta Reply PokeCoder January 1, 2025 at 10:54 PM Have you tried the other Pokemon or just only for Gengar? Please note that Delta emulator will automatically remove any non-related characters when pasted. In this case, the YYY. So for...
Odd Keystone is a hidden item found inside Twinleaf Town. You can get it from the Black Belt trainer on Route 208, or you can simply dig for it in the Grand Underground. Once found, place it in Hallowed Tower on Route 209. You must talk to 32 different NPCs in the Grand Underground...
Spacial Rend comes with Origin Palkia, which increases the spawn radius. Ad We feel the former is a gimmick as you can buy more items from the shop. However, it is good that you can stop the timer on the Daily Incense as that means you can stretch out your walks to increase your ...
Ralts will spawn in Routes 203 and 204 and then evolve into Kirlia at level 30 and then into Gallade when exposed to the Dawn Stone, which can be located on Route 215 and Mt. Coronet. Gallade's Base Stats: HP: 68 Attack: 125 Defense: 65 Sp. Atk: 65 Sp. Def: 115 Speed...
There is a stone circle in the center of the area where Evolution Stones will randomly spawn on every reset. Look behind the tall stones. Additionally, talk to the Digger Bros in the Wild area. They are located just south of the Pokemon Nursery. They ...
Normally only home to wild Gastly, if a GBA game is inserted into the bottom slot of the DS Old Chateau can instead spawn wild Haunter and Gengar! Being able to catch something fully-evolved, and normally only accessible by trading (and ridiculously underlevelled...
Black Robe Sep 12, 2017 And that's why I suggested picking up a gible to keep for emergencies I'm really not liking all the things you're putting pins in to come back for later. The way things are shaping up half this game is going to be backtracking. And there's not even a...
First Pokémon:Gible in Wayward Cave. In Diamond and Pearl you need strength which is after the 6thgym. In Platinum, strength is not required and you can catch one after the second gym. Covers Weaknesses?Only in Diamond thanks to Dialga but in the other two versions, Pearl has a Dragon...