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USA->MegaUp|TusFiles|LetsUpload|MediaFire|1Fichier Save File for Passing Black Screen Issue (7KB) ———- LetsUpload|ZippyShare|MegaUp Instructions for How to use the save files:
不知道有没有好心人,能把ROM和金手指都一起发下。谢谢你们! 分享173 口袋改版资源吧 大咸鱼王 Pokemon Black and White Advanced Rom(gba上的黑白)Features Black & White soundtrack Black & White graphics (tilesets) Gen 5 styled OW sprites Pokemon from Gen 4 to 7 Expanded Pokedex Uodated cries ...
目前官方认证的最新版本为漆黑的魅影5.0EX 无尽混沌,该版本为制作团队在4.5EX发布时隔两年后发布的各方面都具有重大 464148 口袋改版资源吧 甜馨😚 3DS模拟器Citra宝可梦集中帖如题,包括电脑?端Windows版Citra和手机?端安卓版Citra 10443478 citra吧 王文操7 我安装好宝可梦XY的cia之后双击运行提示我:您的ROM是加密 ...
Feel free to test them all yourselves, and if you experienced some weird issues like black screens and crashing, disable the cheat you recently enabled and the game should be back to normal. It’s kind of bummer that there’s only a limited number of usable cheats for this game, but hey...
DS:Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Black/White, Black 2/White 2, Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team, Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky. 3DS:Pokemon X/Y, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. ...
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Pokemon Black and White Advanced Rom(gba上的黑白)Features Black & White soundtrack Black & White graphics (tilesets) Gen 5 styled OW sprites Pokemon from Gen 4 to 7 Expanded Pokedex Uodated cries Physical/Special split Fairy Type Newer Gen Moves, Items, and Abilities Nature colored stats Reu...
Pokemon Black and White Advanced Rom(gba上的黑白)Features Black & White soundtrack Black & White graphics (tilesets) Gen 5 styled OW sprites Pokemon from Gen 4 to 7 Expanded Pokedex Uodated cries Physical/Special split Fairy Type Newer Gen Moves, Items, and Abilities Nature colored stats Reu...
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