When playing Pokemon Black No$GBA Freezes your game or turns your game into a blue screen while you are saving ? Playing Pokemon White on No$GBA at the end of the first battlethe game freezes? While exploring the area, the upper No$GBA portion of the screen turns to white. This is...
本吧热帖: 1-【改版教程大汇总】改版小白到精通 2-口袋改版吧官方水楼…… 3-原创黑暗剧情?全新锦标赛机制?精致的美工?原创人物地图等等 4-快看看,宝可梦同款好玩的0.1浙手游 5-口袋妖怪火红基础通关攻略,流程 6-为什么用UNLZ导入图片就会提示image not indexed 7-GBA口袋
Black & White soundtrackBlack & White graphics (tilesets)Gen 5 styled OW spritesPokemon from Gen 4 to 7Expanded PokedexUodated criesPhysical/Special splitFairy TypeNewer Gen Moves, Items, and AbilitiesNature colored statsReusable TMsCapture experience systemPoison survival 送TA礼物 1楼2019-03-11...
今天带来一部国外GBA口袋妖怪,由国内汉化,名称叫: GBA口袋妖怪剑盾10.2。 包含凯之孤岛+冠之雪原。 作者:PCL.G 汉化组:可达鸭汉化组 文本汉化:周家寡人。 图片汉化:黄佬 Wander 说明:游戏不要试图用任何作案手段获取全国图鉴,以免部分剧情重置导致某些地图道路封死!游戏特点:极巨化和超极巨化。mega进化。第一...
本吧热帖: 1-【改版教程大汇总】改版小白到精通 2-个人收藏的口袋改版合集资源 亲测可玩 3-GBA口袋妖怪剑盾10.2!包含凯之孤岛 冠之雪原!国外汉化 4-宝可梦灵魂石2 5-咋弄??? 6-pk3ds改版问题请教 7-宝可梦燃之智至尊版 8-求求大佬们,这是模拟器什么版本的宝可梦。可以
本吧热帖: 1-【改版教程大汇总】改版小白到精通 2-个人收藏的口袋改版合集资源 亲测可玩 3-GBA口袋妖怪剑盾10.2!包含凯之孤岛 冠之雪原!国外汉化 4-宝可梦灵魂石2 5-咋弄??? 6-pk3ds改版问题请教 7-宝可梦燃之智至尊版 8-求求大佬们,这是模拟器什么版本的宝可梦。可以
Animon Adventure Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team Meta Fire Red X Sors Edition Pokemon Gaia Dynamons 2 Blazing Emerald Edition Sun Sky & Moon Galaxy Pokemon Tower Defense 2 Digimon FireRed Kanto Black Edition Kanto Ultimate Pokemon Sapphire ...
No$GBA Freezes your game or turns your game into a blue screen while you are saving - bug fix solution Fix for Pokemon White and Pokemon Black fix for No%GBA using AR. Playing Pokemon on No$GBA at the end of the first battle (also possible on the other battles), the game freezes....
Pokemon Da..StoryYou woke up and you realised that you were lying in a cave, and everything was black and white.
Game Boy Advance:Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire, FireRed/LeafGreen, Emerald, Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team, Pinball Ruby & Sapphire, Pokemon Fire Red Hacks, Pokemon Emerald Hacks, Pokemon Ruby Hacks & Pokemon GBA Hacks. DS:Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Black/White, Black ...