Once a day you can battle five maids in a rowFinish in a certain number of turns to face the young master or mistress. Breloom Level up Shroomish to Lv23. Crobat Level up Golbat with high enough Friendship. Super Seadra Gyarados Relicanth O. Red Balloon. Uxie Lv50 aw'HHilu 1 . Ol...
raise your friendship with it. There are a few ways to do this. You can camp, play, and cook with it. You can fight with it in battle to raise it up. Do not let it faint, as that hurts your relationship. There is an item you can give it called the Soothe...
016B = {Voice Checker} 016C = {TM Case} 016D = {Berry Pouch} 016E = Ragged Map 016F = Gas Mask Wild Pokemon Modifier + Gaia Exclusive Pokemon (Cheat type: Codebreaker) Master code (Enter this first as a separate cheat): 000014D1 000A 1003DAE6 0007 Note: We’ve received report...
Once you have caught a wild Eevee, raise your friendship with it. You can do this by camping and playing with it, feeding it at camp, fighting battles with it, and giving it certain items. You can view how friendly your Pokemon is towards you by ta...