[Pokemon Mystery Dungeon3 MIDI]- カレカレ草原/Withered Savanna (Cover by cup glass) 83 1 2:13 App [MOTHER2/地球冒险2/Earthbound]- Summers, Eternal Tourist Trap (Remix) 102 -- 1:46 App [MOTHER2/地球冒险2/Earthbound]- ポリアンナ <ネスの家> (Piano Cover by 山羽先輩♀ game music)...
Music notes So for those of you who don't know, the copyright police came over and took down about half of my scores. Honestly, that's on me. I pulled most of my music from old GBA files and turned them into MIDI's and created most of the music that way, so I never really saw...
interfaces and sprites New battle engine follows the example of Generation 7 New music Adjustable difficulty Day & Night System Certain actions of the antagonists have visible consequences The Arena Ladders (Guardians) are now part of the story 分享2433 起源的大地吧 X丶死魂灵 【醒目】口袋妖怪黑2/...
再次感激! 另:工具里有midi提取,打开nds文件后里面分类太多,没法区分哪个是包含精灵数据的,有这方面的说明也欢迎,谢谢! 分享94 口袋妖怪吧 贴吧用户_0bEe29U 求大神告知,gba口袋妖怪联机不成功如图,一直是请稍后 一个绿宝石一个火红 都至少通关一周目了 特别想联机 请大神帮忙! 非常感谢 好人一生平安 分享...
Download Unlimited Ringtones for iPhone and Android Here. Get the latest ringtones of Usher Bedtime, Battle Cry Jessie Smolette, /Ringophone.Com/Ultimate Rally (128X160), Toni Braxton, Groban, Music, /Ringophone.Com/Rally Master Pro (128X160), /Www.Ringo
分享372 口袋改版资源吧 大咸鱼王 Pokemon Sovereign of the Skies Rom Version: v2.1.1All Pokemon up to Generation 7 Mega-developments & Protomorphosis Completely new design, tilesets, OWs, interfaces and sprites New battle engine follows the example of Generation 7 New music Adjustable difficulty Da...
(B)CSAR 音频包,内含全套游戏音效,也是标准 CWAV 格式;但是遗憾的是,虽然背景音乐也在其中,却是 CSEQ 格式音频序列(简单地说是 3DS 用的类似于 MIDI 的文件;这 分享62赞 citra吧 武神连 求口袋妖怪终极红宝石PC端的金手指 21320 口袋妖怪火红与叶绿吧 564123c 红火日版 1360的rom 和 2673(1.1)rom区别在哪...
+4 分享78110 口袋改版资源吧 大咸鱼王 Pokemon Sovereign of the Skies Rom Version: v2.1.1All Pokemon up to Generation 7 Mega-developments & Protomorphosis Completely new design, tilesets, OWs, interfaces and sprites New battle engine follows the example of Generation 7 New music Adjustable difficu...
再次感激! 另:工具里有midi提取,打开nds文件后里面分类太多,没法区分哪个是包含精灵数据的,有这方面的说明也欢迎,谢谢! 分享94 口袋妖怪火红吧 伏魔龙剑士洛特 问问各位谁有日文版本的火红叶绿原版rom资源?美版火红可以串档!叶绿会死机!日版火红叶绿没法存档!还有一个问题开机画面怎么调出显示2个GBA游戏机介绍说明...