For approximately the next 20 minutes, the DICVS captured petitioners discussing Pokémon as they drove to different locations where the virtual creatures apparently appeared on their mobile phones. On their way to the Snorlax location, Officer Mitchell alerted Officer Lozano that “a Togetic just po...
, a Scyther umpired the Pokémon Base game that Ash and his classmates took part in at the Pokémon School. Minor appearances In a flashback in Bad To The Bone, Koga was revealed to have a Scyther that was defeated by Otoshi and his Marowak during a Gym battle, which allowed Otoshi ...
Ash Ketchum Bonus Content Brandon Braydon Brenda Brock Butch and Cassidy Charizard Cosmic Chronicles Cosmo Dark-Type Dawn Dragon-Type Fire-Type Ghost-Type Giovanni Gym Battles Heliosol Holiday Special James Jessie Kalos Kappaqua (Cosmic Destiny) ...
Ash Ketchum サトシ Astin タイキ 似の 少年 Taiki Astrid アヤカ (Ayaka) Atticus シュウメイ Attila ブソン Buson Audino タブンネ Audrey and Kathryn オードリー \ キャサリン Aurorus アマルルガ Austin タイキ Taiki Autumn アキAki Avalugg クレベース Avery セイボリー Avery ヒロタ Hirota...