【巨坑 HUGE C..为什么有了攻略还有一些玩家在问149关怎么过?我把详细攻略发一下,如果此贴(如攻略)有重复的话,我会自动删贴。如果有问题或不满请吐槽。WHY SOMEONE ASKS ABOUT HOW TO PAS
Ting-Lu Chi-Yu Koraidon Koraidon is exclusive toPokemon Scarlet. Players ofPokemon Violetcan get it via trading. You unlock it as a mount during the Prologue at the start of the game. To unlock Koraidon for battle you must first defeat all 5 Titan bosses (one of the three main story ...
Ideal Team:Clodsire, Garchomp, Hippowdon, Camerupt, Toedscruel, Palossand Optional:Dugtrio, Donphan, Whiscash, Krookodile, Sandaconda, Mudsdale, Pupitar, Gastrodon, Quagsire (via in-game trade), Iron Treads (one time encounter after defeating the Ground Titan in Violet), Ting-Lu First Pokémon...
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet introduced the Treasures of Ruin, a quartet of Legendaries which included Wo-Chien, Ting-Lu, Chi-Yu, and Chien-Pao. Out of the four, Chien-Pao stood out because of its sleek design and for having a type combination that made it resistant to dominant types such ...
Optional:Tyranitar (S), Umbreon, Mabosstiff, Weavile, Cacturne, Krookodile, Hydreigon (S), Lokix, Bombirdier, Stuntank (S), Sableye, Zoroark, Houndoom, Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu First Pokémon:Sprigatito as Starter Weaknesses Covered?Yes ...
(which have always seen success combined with cards that can put damage counters on the opponent’s Pokémon), or it could be used as an attacker itself, powered up byXatu, for example. It even has synergy withTing-Lu ex, which might finally find its time to shine. The best way...
今天放假,忽然想上线看看,看到火鸡被ban,属于意料之中,火焰鸟上ou,没想到,tinglu升ou意料之中打开uu房间,发现“太晶化”也被ban走了怎么说呢,现在uu环境就是一坨,我也不是很理解为什么雨天被ban了,一堆雨天组件(水马,龙虾)还能留在uu,难道有人在玩手雨吗仅以此贴批评权限尿性 送TA礼物 1楼2023-09-02 ...
TANG-YU-TING tw83751916 新北市 40 10 pt GHG_PeterWine tw16132632 宜蘭縣 41 10 pt FrostNova tw22093071 臺北市 42 10 pt sula tw23011174 臺中市 43 10 pt PPT_Salmon tw49159270 臺中市 44 10 pt HEJIAYING tw49698910 新北市 45 10 pt Minibooks tw85211267 桃園市 46 10 pt Hanji tw...
It even has synergy with Ting-Lu ex, which might finally find its time to shine. The best way to use Iron Valiant ex remains to be discovered, but I think if a player figures out how to best take advantage of its huge potential, they have a chance at winning the whole event...
'Almost no one was taking us seriously…' Unsure of what to think, the 12-year-old trainer defaults back to blurting the first thing on his mind. "Brawly's not a bastard! Take that back!" Andre's face instantly twists into a hateful sneer. "Really? You're going to say that after...