Purchasing Signulous with our referral link gives you a 10% discount and supports PokeMMO. Once you've completed the purchase, you'll receive a confirmation email that your device has been registered. On your registered iOS device, visit the signing dashboard and link your device. Find Poke...
下载网:http://pokemmo.eu/downloads/ 分享821 pokemmo摸摸吧 ID不起好会被笑 【pokemmo游戏安装贴,包含客户端及ROM、汉化包、 MOD下载资源】首先说下游戏账号在哪注册 pokemmo账号需要登录它的官网才能注册(https://pokemmo.eu/?local=zh) 进入官网后你首先可以切换语言,便于浏览 然后点击图中的立即注册跳转...
Hi, Can you also send me a link? Thank you 2024年11月29日 76条回复 patch files Various Battle Backgrounds + Forest Raksly 回复了 guaychow 的主题于 客户端美化 Question. How can I add another patch to the rom? Or I can Only use 1? Its either surfing lapras and a background?
RLotus 普通用户 声望点数 10 内容总数 387 查找内容 CHUCKunso 普通用户 声望点数 8 内容总数 362 查找内容 Pecaeme 普通用户 声望点数 5 内容总数 51 查找内容 kuplion 普通用户 声望点数 5 内容总数 398 查找内容 热门内容 显示在10/09/20在所有区域最高声望的内容 ...
Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to @Glaciel In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Donators Glaciel 2,000,000 Pokeyen SirSween 1,...
10 points Gun-Tank DannyAFKgg 和其他7 人 回应了AdamantSceptile 的主题 Gun-Tank mod. Gives Miltank a Gun. ---> ✨DOWNLOAD✨ <--- Credits to @papa6R0 for creating the sprites. 2023年9月15日 8 points [Unofficial] Shiny Existence Thread [5th Life] Crueldad 和其他7 人 回...
but whats possible is that we can get a romhack which implemented megas and fairy type to the game. Pokemmo currently runs on the black and white rom. We just have to switch the gamee to a romhack which has this features. 2024年12月23日 13条回复 Hooh farm Tensala 回复了 Pablo...
replaces the surfing model with a Lapras model from Pokemon X & Y, it also has a shiny variation (Screenshot in the main post). This patch doesn't include any battle background changes. I've also included a link to the model in my Import tutorial if you wish to customize your ROM....
/forum/33-client-customization/ Keep in mind you can't link roms. So if your touhoumon is like an IPS patch to a regular rom, then you can share the IPS patch. If you're making huge modifications to the game that require sharing the rom, it's best to drop the idea of sharing ...