波尔兹曼方程,Boltzmann... ... ) Boltzmann equation 波尔兹曼方程 ) poisson-Boltzmann equation 泊松波尔兹曼方程 ) Bohr 波尔 ... www.dictall.com|基于1 个网页 2. 方程 PoissonBolt... ... ) Poisson Boltzmann equation 方程 ) Poisson-Boltzmann equation 方程 ) Boltzmann-Poisson system 方程组 ... ...
In this paper we study a new Poisson-Boltzmann type (PB_n) equation with a small dielectric parameter [?]2 and non-local nonlinearity which takes into consideration the preservation of the total amount of each individual ion. This equation can be derived from the original Poisson-Nernst-Planck...
12.A New Solution to Boltzmann Equation of Dilute Solid-liquid Two-phase Flows with Homotopy Analysis Method低浓度固液两相流Boltzmann方程的同伦分析方法解 13.A new solution to Boltzmann equation of dilute granular flow with homotopy analysis method低浓度颗粒流Boltzmann方程的同伦分析方法解 14.On the S...
1) poisson-Boltzmann equation 泊松波尔兹曼方程 2) poisson 泊松 1. Parallel Algorithm Research on Solving Poisson Equations Based on Five Point Difference Format; 五点差分格式求解泊松方程并行算法的研究 2. Referring to the timing diagrams for the hard and semi-soft handoffs in mobile Internet, the...
Although this approximation is essentially from the simplifying of non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation in the . 虽然这是对Poisson-Boltzmann方程在高电位情况下进行非线性简化的一个结果,然而由于它和低电位时的电位变化特点是相似的,所以适用于低电位条件下相互作用力和相互作用能的计算。2...
A rapid finite difference algorithm, utilizing successive over-relaxation to solve the Poisson–Boltzmann equation An efficient algorithm is presented for the numerical solution of the Poisson鈥揃oltzmann equation by the finite difference method of successive over-relax......
weprovetheexistenceanduniquenessofeternalsolutiontoBoltzmannequationforthe hard interactions and rigid spheres model. The ingenuity of the new iteration method is III that when the beginning condition is satisfied, the iteration can continue, and the itera- tive sequence is monotonous. we have proved...
| Gouy-Chapman模型是描述带电表面(如电极或胶体粒子)在电解质溶液中电荷分布的理论。这个模型是对Helmholtz模型的一个扩展,它考虑了离子在带电界面附近的扩散分布。Gouy-Chapman模型的核心方程是关于电解质溶液中电荷分布的泊松-玻尔兹曼方程(Poisson-Boltzmann equation),该方程描述了电势φ与电荷密度的关系。
The Poisson-Boltzmann equation governing the distribution of electrical potential of a planar, cylindrical or spherical particle covered by a charged, ion-penetrable membrane immersed in an a : b electrolyte solution has been analysed. Approximate analytical expressions for the distribution of electrical ...
Poisson-Boltzmann - ElectrostaticsPoisson – as in the the Poisson Equation, which relates the electrostatic potential in a dielectric to the charge density. 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 63 p. 2017年天津农学院工程技术学院827化工原理[专业硕士]之化工原理考研仿真模拟题 61 p. 2017年华南...