When it bites you, its toxin causes "extreme pain, swelling, paralysis, skin cell destruction," and heart attacks, among other things. Luckily, there is an anti-venom available, which means the deaths from these spiders are mostly in small children whose bodies can't handle the venom like ...
lock the cabinets and cover the outlets. But there’s one thing you might have missed. “We don’t usually think about the plants that live in and around the house and how they can pose a risk to our little ones,” saysKatie Friedman, MD, a Florida-based pediatrician and co...
Chris Young Young Love And Saturday Nights Chris Young Young Love & Saturday Nights - Single Kid Rock All Summer Long Kid Rock Rock N Roll Jesus Kid Rock All Summer Long Kid Rock Rock N Roll Jesus Jason Aldean Whiskey Drink Jason Aldean Highway Desperado Florida Georgia Line Round Here Flori...
The pawpaw (Asimina triloba), also known as the "Indiana Banana," is a small fruit-bearing tree that grows wild in eastern North America, from Florida as far north as southern Canada. The plant contains various toxins, leading to confusion regarding whether or not pawpaws are edible. Under...
Florida Beauty Foxglove Fruit Salad Plant (Philodendron Pertusum) Geranium German Ivy Giant Dumb Cane Glacier Ivy Gold Dieffenbachia Gold Dust Dracaena Golden Pothos Hahn’s Self-Branching English Ivy Heartleaf Philodendron Hibiscus Holly Horsehead Philodendron ...
It was a groundbreaking smash, but things got so toxic behind the scenes that even co-showrunner Damon Lindelof now says: “I failed.” A powerful excerpt from the new book ‘Burn It Down.’
The first lychee fruits in Florida—where the tree has attained commercial importance—are said to have ripened in 1916. To a lesser extent the tree has been cultivated around the Mediterranean, in South Africa, and in Hawaii. Physical description and cultivation lycheeRipe fruits on a lychee ...
It may seem like a long list of things to look out for but it soon becomes second nature to check these and be able to safely identify mushrooms in the field. Finally, don’t be too upset if you can’t always identify a mushroom, I’ve been picking wild mushrooms all my life and ...
It's the roar of a river that reminds you, some things just can't be tamed. Not by man. Not by time. And that is what is roaring back.It's the spirit that put us here in the first place. The part of us that says, I'll stand for what's right.I'll fight for th...
When it comes to plants, things get a little fuzzy. Several plants, such as deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and castor beans (Ricinus communis), are poisonous and thus should not be consumed. In addition, while plants do not have formal teeth, ankle spurs, or nematocysts, some have ...