poisonous bride's bush poisonous bride's bush Poisonous fruit Poisonous fruit Poisonous fungus Poisonous fungus Poisonous gas Poisonous gas Poisonous gas Poisonous mushroom Poisonous mushroom poisonous nightshade poisonous parasol poisonous plant poisonous plant poisonous plant Poisonous Plant Information System ...
though highbush cranberry contains one large seed (and bittersweet nightshade has many small seeds, like a tomato). To make it more confusing, it’s not unusual for this plant to vine up in highbush cranberry shrubs. I’ve actually found the berries vined together, and ripe at the same ...
Rose hips are small fruits produced by the rose bush after the rose has died. Rose hips have been used in culinary dishes and as an alternative medicine.All parts of the rose, including rose hips are non-toxic if ingested by animals. ... All parts of the rose, including rose hips are...
poisonous nightshade- poisonous perennial Old World vine having violet flowers and oval coral-red berries; widespread weed in North America bittersweet,bittersweet nightshade,climbing nightshade,Solanum dulcamara,woody nightshade,deadly nightshade genus Solanum,Solanum- type genus of the Solanaceae: nightshad...
Buckbrush (aka coralberry or Indian currant) Cabbage Camellias Cantaloupe: fruit, seeds and peel Collard Greens Carrots Catnip Cedar Needles & Bark Celery Citrus Clover Corn husks & silk Cottonwood Coyote Bush (Baccharis) Dandelion Douglas fir ...
What is wrong with my red robin plant? The main culprit among photinia bush diseases isEntomosporium mespili, the fungus that causes photinia leaf spot. ... Once the fungus takes hold in the red-tipped photinia, the disease's circles continue to grow and merge until large, unsightly “sor...
China Berry Trees, all parts Choke Cherries, wilting especially Choke Cherry Leaves in abundance Datura Dog Hobble Dumb Cane (diffenbachia) (Houseplant) Elephant Ear Euonymus Bush berries False Tansy Fficus leaves "Fiddleneck"- know by this common name in CA. It is a fuzzy looking, 12" to...
The Burning Bush also known as wahoo, summer cypress, strawberry bush, and spindle tree. Alkaloids and cardiac glycoside are all over the plant and causes the dog to be poisoned if consumed. The plant is extremely bitter tasting so many dogs will leave it alone. The toxins found in the pl...
can be cooked as a vegetable Rose (wild) Salal Salmonberry Salsify Saltbush Sassafras Serviceberry Sheep sorrel Shepherd's purse Showy milkweed Silverweed Soap plant Solomon's seal Sorrel Spatterdock Speedwell Spring beauty Strawberry (wild) Sunflower Sweet cicely Sweet flag Thimbleberry Rosa spp....