Genetic mutated plants kill people 68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and NIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines PHARMACEUTICALS HAVE POLLUTED ALMOST ALL RIVERS OF THE WORLD FINDS MAJOR UK STUDY As 5G Is Ushered In, Evidence Americans Are Already Bathing In ...
For the second time in 6 months I am suffering from a poison ivy type of rash. Both times I picked it up from doing yard work around our house in southeastern PA. The big mystery however is that the suspected plants in both cases had thorns on them. Is there a poisonous type of pla...
Poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix) grows as a large shrub or a small tree. It is the largest of three related plants in the cashew family all of which can cause skin irritation, the other two being poisonivyand poison oak. The poison sumac is distinguished by having the appearance of an ...
Batrachotoxin belongs to a large group of chemicals known as alkaloids, which are found in many animals and plants. With the exception of a few non-poisonous species, all other poison dart frogs also use alkaloid poisons. For example, Anthony's poison arrow frog lives in the forests of Per...
'Dead zones' could become increasingly common in lakes in future due to climate change, reducing fish numbers and releasing toxic substances into drinking water.
'Dead zones' could become increasingly common in lakes in future due to climate change, reducing fish numbers and releasing toxic substances into drinking water.