T.V.d. Cruys, Two multivariate generalizations of pointwise mutual information, in: Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality (DiSCo'2011), Association for Computational Linguistics, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2011, pp. 16-20.Van de Cruys, Tim (2011). "Two Multivariate Generalizations...
$w(EntryExtent) configure -validate key -vcmd { validateAlpha %P EntryExtent } # lay out the form pack $w(LabelTitle) -side top pack [frame .sp -bd 1 -height 2 -relief sunken] -pady 4 -side top -fill x pack $w(FrameMain) -side top -fill both -expand 1 # lay out the for...
Additional Information How to Cite Maz'ya, V. and Rossmann, J. (2005), Pointwise estimates for Green's kernel of a mixed boundary value problem to the Stokes system in a polyhedral cone. Math. Nachr., 278: 1766–1810. doi: 10.1002/mana.200410340 Author Information 1 University of Linkö...
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Since its introduction into the nlp community, pointwise mutual information has proven to be a useful association measure in numerous natural language processing applications such as collocation extraction and word space models. In its original form, it is restricted to the analysis of two-way co-...
Herein we present a novel use of normalized pointwise mutual information (NPMI) to mine biomedical literature for gene associations with biological concepts as represented by Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms) in PubMed. Resources that tag genes to articles were integrated, then cross-species ...
A constraint learning semi-supervised methodology is proposed which incorporates SVM and Normalized Pointwise Mutual Information Computation Strategy to increase the relevance as well as the performance efficiency of clustering. The SVM Classifier is of Hard Margin Type to roughly classify the...
A. V. ChernovInstitute of Radioelectronics and Information TechnologyspMathematical NotesA. V. Chernov, “Pointwise Estimation of the Difference of the Solutions of a Controlled Functional Operator Equation in Lebesgue Spaces,” Matem. Zametki 88 (2), 288–302 (2010)....
Second, in order to optimize the channel compressed pointwise convolution with the number of input channels more than the output, Ghost-PC adjusts the Ghost-PE block to make full use of the features generated by cheap convolution to enhance the feature channel information. Finally, we optimized ...
R. D. Gill, "Conciliation of bayes and pointwise quantum state estimation: Asymptotic information bounds in quantum statistics," math0512443, pp. 239- 261, 2005.R.D. Gill, Conciliation of Bayes and pointwise quantum state estimation, in: V.P. Belavkin, M. Guta (Eds.), Quantum ...