👉 copy This icon depicts a yellow hand pointing its index finger to the right, with backhand facing front. This emoji means to “look” at something, usually accompanying after this icon. Pointing Finger Emoji is used to draw attention to a specific fact or recall a statement previously sa...
copy The image of a white hand pointing upwards with its index finger is the emoji used as an exclamation mark to emphasize a statement. It can also mean “I’m available!” or “Ask me if there are any unclarities! I am up for it!”. Pointing Up Emoji some cases it can also me...
U+261D 1F3FC Copy 261D - ☝ index pointing up 1F3FC - 🏼 medium-light skin tone Decimal: ALT+9757 ALT+127996 Unicode Version: None Emoji Version: 2.0 (2015-11-12) Categories: 👌 People & Body Sub Categories: 👈 Pointing Hand Keywords: finger | hand | index | index poin...
Emoji: 👇︎ Shortname: backhand index pointing down Apple Name: Backhand Index Finger Pointing Down Known as: Pointing Down Codepoint: U+1F447 FE0E Copy 1F447 - 👇 backhand index pointing down FE0E - VARIATION SELECTOR-15 Shortcode: :point_down: Copy Decimal: ALT+128071 ALT...
Copy and Paste This Emoji: 👇 Share this👇Backhand Index Pointing Down emoji on: https://emojiguide.com/people-body/backhand-index-pointing-down/ Url Copied! This Backhand Index Pointing Down Is Also Known As: index finger point down ...
Emoji: ☝ Shortname: index pointing up Known as: Pointing Up | Secret Codepoint: U+261D Copy Shortcode: :point_up: Copy Decimal: ALT+9757 Unicode Version: 1.1 (1993-06) Emoji Version: None Categories: 👌 People & Body Sub Categories: 👈 Pointing Hand Keywords: finger | hand |...