论文链接:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.11487.pdf 代码链接:https://github.com/CGuangyan-BIT/PointGPT 论文贡献 1.提出了一种名为PointGPT的新型GPT模型用于点云自监督学习(SSL)。PointGPT利用点云自回归生成任务,同时减轻了位置信息泄漏的问题,在单模态自监督学习方法中表现出色。 2.提出了一种双重掩码策略来...
outperforming all other transformer models. Furthermore, our method also attains new state-of-the-artaccuracieson all four few-shot learning benchmarks. Codes are available athttps://github.com/CGuangyan-BIT/PointGPT.
git clone https://github.com/salesforce/LAVIS.gitcdLAVIS pip install -e. 📦 Data Preparation Annotations: All annotations will be downloaded automaticly through hugging_face. Point Cloud: You can download theCap3Dpoint cloud dataset through theGoogle Drive Link. You should unzip these 10 tar....
GPT4Point能够在仅输入点云而不借助图片的情况下,完成3D物体识别、理解、问答等任务,并将点云的理解与生成结合在了一起,使得多模态大模型具备了对3D生成的控制能力。 论文链接: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2312.02980代码链接(点击“阅读原文”直达): https://github.com/Pointcept/GPT4Point 项目主页: https://...
[ECCV 2024] PointRegGPT: Boosting 3D Point Cloud Registration using Generative Point-Cloud Pairs for Training, Pytorch implementation. - Chen-Suyi/PointRegGPT
项目地址:GPT4Point GitHub 仓库 论文链接:GPT4Point: A Unified Framework for Point-Language Understanding and Generation 项目页面:GPT4Point 项目页面 在这些资源中,你可以找到关于 GPT4Point 框架的详细实现、实验结果、基准测试以及更多相关信息。 拼写错误纠正 问题中的“generati”应为“generation”。 综上...
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Gist is a big part of my workflow. I’ve always been on the lookout for a desktop tool. Well, it turns out I was looking in the wrong place. A few days I discovered two VS Code extensionsGistandGitHub Gist Explorer. They both really great extensions and so far I’m really enjoying...
代码地址:https://github.com/ZrrSkywalker/Point-NN 本文提出了一个用于 3D 点云分析的非参数网络 Point-NN,它仅由纯不可学习的组件组成:最远点采样(FPS)、k 近邻(k-NN)、三角函数(Trigonometric Functions)以及池化(Pooling)操作。不需要参数和训练,它能够在各种 3D 任务上都取得不错的准确率,甚至在 few-...