Good To Know: There are two ways to declare pointer variables in C: int* myNum;int *myNum; Notes on Pointers Pointers are one of the things that make C stand out from other programming languages, like Python and Java. They are important in C, because they allow us to manipulate the...
Ok, so what's the relationship between pointers and arrays? Well, in C, thename of an array, is actually apointerto thefirst elementof the array. Confused? Let's try to understand this better, and use our "memory address example" above again. ...
Now,ptrholds the value offood's memory address. Tip:There are three ways to declare pointer variables, but the first way is preferred: string* mystring;// Preferred string *mystring; string * mystring; ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Track your progress - it's free! Log inSign Up...
int main() { int myAge = 43; // An int variable int* ptr = &myAge; // A pointer variable, with the name ptr, that stores the address of myAge // Output the value of myAge (43) printf("%d\n", myAge); // Output the memory address of myAge (0x7ffe5367e0...
In the example from the previous page, we used the pointer variable to get the memory address of a variable (used together with the & reference operator). However, you can also use the pointer to get the value of the variable, by using the * operator (the dereference operator):...