如果采用的是内存数据库或者pmem(也就是byte addressing而非block addressing机制),则数据的内存地址就是物理地址,所以不需要转换,也就不存在pointer swizzling。
CMU 15-445/15-645中在索引一节有提到“Pointer Swizzling”,意思是内存地址和物理地址之间的转换。但它的翻译当前没有很能表达意思的术语,理解即可,有时候就是不好翻译不如不翻译。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21218304/what-is-pointer-swizzling https://www.it1352.com/477295.html...
1) pointer swizzling 指针调和 2) pointer adjustment 指针调整 1. Comparison of squeeze in adjustment andpointer adjustmentand the analysis of the jitter; 塞入式调整与指针调整的比较及抖动分析 2. Research on SDHpointer adjustmentvibration technology; ...
Techniques for efficiently swizzling pointers in persistent objects are provided. In one embodiment, a computer system can allocate slabs in a persistent heap, where the persistent heap resides on a byte-addressable persistent memory of the system, and where each slab is a continuous memory segment...
These conversion mechanisms for references are so-called pointer swizzling strategies. Existing pointer swizzling strategies consist of many processing steps, and thus, are cumbersome and timeconsuming. We introduce the physical pointer swizzling strategy which is based on a different kind of persistent ...
英文: Persistent object can refer other object only through object identifier (GOODS doesn't perform pointer swizzling).中文: 持久化对象只能通过对象标示符来引用其它对象。(GOODS从不作任何指针欺诈动作)。英文: A user who possesses a particular identifier. The user is said to be the holder of an ...
DIPS: an efficient pointer swizzling strategy for incremental uncaching environments 机译:DIPS:针对增量非缓存环境的有效指针泛滥策略 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Pointer swizzling improves the performance of...
Define Pointer finger. Pointer finger synonyms, Pointer finger pronunciation, Pointer finger translation, English dictionary definition of Pointer finger. n. 1. The finger next to the thumb. 2. The part of a glove that covers this finger. In both senses
D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION結構包含輸出重複指標位置資訊。 語法 C++複製 typedefstruct_D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION{POINT Position; BOOL Visible; } D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION; 成員 Position 指標位置。 Visible 指出指標是否可見。
DXGKCB_XXX函式是由Dxgkrnl實作。 若要使用此回呼函式,請設定DXGKARGCB_UNMAPFRAMEBUFFERPOINTER的成員,然後透過DXGKRNL_INTERFACE呼叫DXGKCB_UNMAPFRAMEBUFFERPOINTER。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱IOMMU 型 GPU 隔離。 要求 要求價值 最低支援的用戶端Windows 10 版本 1803 (WDDM 2.4) ...