The void pointer within C is a pointer that is not allied with any data types. This points to some data location within the storage means points to that address of variables. It is also known as a general-purpose pointer. In C, malloc() and calloc() functions return void * or generic...
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question I need to print random numbers between 0 and 1...
Earn badges by improving or asking questions in Staging Ground. See new badges Need help understanding pointer to a type of n elements in C (int (*p)[10])? Ask Question Asked 25 days ago Modified 25 days ago Viewed 132 times 2 I am studying pointers in C and hav...
Pointer, highly regarded breed of sporting dog of hound, spaniel, and setter ancestry. The pointer derives its name from its assumption of a rigid posture in the direction of the quarry it has located. First recorded about 1650, in England, the pointer w
Pointer arithmetic for void pointer in C When a pointer to a particular type (say int, char, float, ..) is incremented, its value is increased by the size of that data type. If a void pointer which points to data of size x is incremented, how does it get to point x bytes ahead?
Application of void pointer in C Function pointer in c, a detailed guide How to use the structure of function pointer in c language? Online programming tools. Function pointer in structure. Pointer Arithmetic in C. 10 questions about dynamic memory allocation. ...
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation. 3,506 questions Sign in to follow 1...
Application of Function Pointers in C 15 related questions found What is the correct way to declare a pointer? Explanation:int *ptris the correct way to declare a pointer. What is pointer example? A pointer isa variable that stores the address of another variable. Unlike other variables that ...
C Interview Questions BirlaSoft(26) Languages Interview Questions Cisco(35) Micro Processor Interview Questions Cognizant(1) Placement Assistance Dell(22) Aptitude Interview Questions GE(2) Placement Assistance HAL(1) Placement Assistance Infosys(212) ...
That leaves us with the stack, and a few key questions: Where do we go? What function (or sequence of functions) is better to use remotely? The best approach is to try to indirectly turn the attack into an arbitrary write. We can, in fact, return into one of the memory copying func...