<!-- ... --> On this page Quick reference Examples Ignoring pointer events Restoring pointer events 5-day mini-course Build UIs that don’t suck. Short, tactical video lessons from the creator of Tailwind CSS, delivered directly to your inbox every day for a week. Get the free ...
pointer-events: none带来两个特点: 使直接作用在元素上的鼠标操作失效「穿透」到下层 灵活运用这两个特点,能轻巧地实现一些效果 穿透遮挡物 例如Tailwind CSS 给的这个例子,希望点击搜索图标时能聚焦到输入框。只要对图标元素设置pointer-events: none做穿透即可。 <svg class="absolute text-slate-400 h-5 w-5"...
Personal portfolio made using Next.js, React and TailwindCSS. Make sure to leave a ⭐ if you like it! TypeScript 112 nuIIpointerexception/rust-template ✨ A perfect template for a binary rust project. Rust 5 nuIIpointerexception/rustyvibes A Rust CLI that makes mechanical keyboard...