Approximate AUM1 2,800+ Employees globally1 185+ Investing teams Working Here Working here, you’ll find a flat, entrepreneurial structure and colleagues as dedicated to innovation and excellence as you are. Our culture of mentorship and development can help you build a long-term career and make...
在Piont72成立的当年,公司便获得了不菲收益,远超其他对冲基金表现。据纽约时报报道,2014年4月以100亿美元启航的Point72总收益达到25-30亿美元。虽然这部分收益未剔除运营成本,但短短8个月内就有如此强劲表现还是证明科恩宝刀未老。 目前Piont72拥有1600多名,AUM约为195亿美元。发布于 2021-01-26 14:22 ...
因此,利润可以表示为:交易频率(Velocity) × 成功率(Hit Rate) × 盈亏比(Slugging) × 管理的总资产(AUM)。 你想要优化的是这三个要素。持有一个想法很长时间而没有很多想法,实际上会大大降低你的交易频率。在你试图运行一个市场中性(market-neutral)策略,需要不断平衡你的投资组合时,低交易频率并不总是好事。
根据加密货币网站The Block发布了一份报告称:Point72正“大举”进入加密市场。 在此之后,彭博也报道了此事称,Point72正着眼于加密货币相关的投资布局。因为在Point72一封致投资者的信中表示:“我们正在探索区块链技术,如果我们忽视目前规模2万亿美元的加密货币市场,那将是我们的失职。” 截至4月1日,Point72 AUM达2...
Steven A. Cohen Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth Point72 Asset Management, an American hedge fund, was established in 2014 by Steve Cohen following the legal issues of his previous company, S.A.C. Capital Advisors, which had faced insider trading charges. Steven A. Cohen serves as the ...
most recently as its Head of Alpha Strategies, managing more than 100 employees across multiple teams and countries. While in that role, Mr. Desmidt was the lead manager on the Japan Value Fund and the Blackrock Global Fund, growing Asian fundamental equity AUM from $2 billion USD to $8 ...
随便答一下,这类基金,基本就是aum较小的但是人员素质不错的quant fund,类似的有很多家,虽然策略不...
根据彭博报道,目前 AUM达600亿美元的D.E.Shaw旗下的旗舰组合基金去年上涨了9.6%。Oculus基金去年上涨了7.8%,该基金主要进行宏观投资,是其第二大基金。D.E.Shaw还计划将这两只基金2023年的全部利润返还给客户。 …