Point72 Academy is an investment analyst training program that will equip you to define your path in an ever-changing industry. We teach you the fundamentals of finance, research, and market behavior while giving you insights into specific sectors and access to some of the industry’s most acco...
Point72 Academy的目标是通过提供先进的培训和教育,帮助学生和专业人士在资本市场取得成功。 首先,Point72Academy的学习模式是一种混合的学术和职业培训方法。学生将有机会参与实践项目和真实市场案例,并从Point72的专业人员身上学到宝贵的实践经验。这种学习方法使学生能够在实际操作中理解和应用他们所学到的知识。此外,...
point72 academy是一家专注于财务领域的教育机构,旨在培养未来的金融领袖。它是Point72 Asset Management(Point72资产管理公司)的一部分,是由投资界知名人士Steve Cohen(史蒂夫·科恩)创建的。Point72 AssetManagement是一家知名的对冲基金管理公司,致力于为投资者创造可持续的长期回报。 point72 academy为学员们提供了全...
不用担心,科恩为年轻人准备了Point 72 Academy项目,将在为期八周的项目中,为大家教学一系列金融行业需要的技能。 图/Point 72官网 以上这些信息加在一起,不难看出现在的Point 72吸引香港年轻人的决心,并且已经在香港留出了很多给在校生和应届生的岗位机会👇 图/香港地区共25个岗位开放,文末阅读原文跳转投递 前...
担心入职后技能不足?别担心,科恩为年轻人准备了Point 72 Academy项目,为期八周的培训将教授一系列金融行业所需的技能。💼 综上所述,Point 72吸引香港年轻人的决心可见一斑,而且已经为在校生和应届生留出了岗位机会。特别是暑期实习生们注意啦,Point 72的官网信息显示,大部分暑期实习生都拿到了全职return offer!
顶尖资产管理公司Point72申请盘点! | 顶尖资产管理公司Point72申请盘点!目前Point72总共开放了5个应届生岗位: 1️⃣Point72 Academy Investment Analyst Program for Upcoming Graduates (2025 – UK) 地点:伦敦 专业:不限 毕业要求:2024年12月 - 2025年7月之间毕业 ...
目前Point72在向全球拓展Academy项目,吸引全球的年轻一代加入,通过Point72 Academy加入投资业务的暑期实习生可以获得entry-level 10万美元的年薪,外加5000美元的签约奖金。 图源:efc 而就在刚刚,Point 72就已经面向2023年秋季或2024年春季毕业的学生开放了2023年Academy项目暑期实习申请口子?
Point72 Academywas thrilled to recently host its inaugural Spring Insight Program in London for eight university students. This year’s program was an in-person, one-week immersion experience for students planning to graduate in 2026 who were eager to learn more about our business and firm cultur...
Day in the Life of a Point72 Academy Associate: Natalia Bondanza Ever wonder what it’s like to be in the Point72 Academy? Check out Academy Associate Natalia Bondanza’s “Day in the Life” feature in eFinancialCareers to get a glimpse… ...
Locations Find us in financial hubs across the globe as we pursue the world's best talent. Working Here Learn about the culture and community you can expect when you join us. Students & Early-Career All ProgramsPoint72 Academy Experienced Professionals ...