1. POCT 定义Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) is clinical laboratory testing conducted close to the site of patient care where care or treatment is provided. Advantages of POC testing include elimination…
便携式便携式现场护理(POC)分析仪有助于简化流程,以加快决策制定,提高了效率并促进以患者为中心的护理。在将样品放入分析仪的几分钟之内,就对样品的细胞进行了定量,并对结果进行了分析和显示。 Portescap的直流和无刷直流电动机可提供处理测试所需的速度和精度。 我们的电机具有紧凑的结构设计,在较小的封装中提供更...
Practice Lead at Point-of-Care Partners. With 25 years of experience, Brian's journey with POCP began two decades ago as a customer. For the last 12 years, he's been dedicated to bringing technology to life sciences, and improving health information for patients and physicians. #POCP20...
Point of Care (POC) & Infectious Diseases Offering a broad range of point of care testing solutions featuring evolving technology to help deliver accurate results quickly and closer to the patient. View the point of care testing product essentials guide...
网络定点照护 网络释义 1. 定点照护 定点照护(Point-of-care, POC)产品将应用地点的概念涵盖在产品的设计中,泛指近使用者端的各种携带式的体外诊断检测产品… www.mem.com.tw|基于10个网页
point-of-care (POC)self-driven flowcancer diagnosisnano circuit with capacitive sensingMost of the cancers are curable if they are detected at early stages. The early stage detection of cancers can significantly improve the patient treatment outcomes and thus helps to decrease the. To achieve the...
2021年,来自美国的Díaz-Gómez JL, Mayo PH, Koenig SJ三位教授在《The new england journal of medicine》上发表了关于POC超声(Point-of-Care Ultrasonography,POCUS)的综述性文章,讨论了POCUS 技术发展的主要趋势,临床应用进展,POCUS和会诊超声...
基于上述的微液滴数字PCR方法,近日德国科学家在lab on chip 发表题为《Point-of-care testing system for digital single cell detection of MRSA directly from nasal swabs》的论文,论文基于微液滴数字PCR(ddPCR)的方法,建立了一种快速即使诊断耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌的工具。文章摘要如下: ...
摘要 背景:原位肝移植(orthotopic liver transplantation, OLT)术中合适的凝血功能管理能够提高患者愈后,减少患者失血和输血量。方法:我们对200个原位肝移植患者进行了前瞻性研究。前100个患者根据临床医师的标准治疗(clinician’s standards),后100个患者采用基于凝血功能管理策略的床旁治疗(point-of-care, POC)...