He firedpoint-blankat Bernadette. 他近距离朝贝尔纳黛特开了枪。 柯林斯例句 She gave him a point - blank refusal. 她断然拒绝了他. 《简明英汉词典》 He fired the gun from point - blank range. 他在近距离开了枪. 《简明英汉词典》 The hunter shot the bear point - blank. ...
1967 步步惊魂Point Blank mkv 小洋影视库 1967年经典犯罪惊悚片《步步惊魂》,李·马文、安吉·迪金森主演,紧张刺激,豆瓣评分7.4,不容错过! 我这里有一份它的高清全集无删减的完整可播放资源,已完结完整版全集,不卡顿无广告,可以光速免费在线观看,点击[ 1967 步步惊魂Point Blank mkv]来看看吧~...
adv.直射;直截了当地;立即 n.直射(点) 网络直射的;直截了当的;直接地 同义词 反义词 adv. at close range,straight on,dead on,close up,close to 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 point-blank 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 挨着的;近身的;近距离的fired with the gun touching or very close to the person...
adj.直截了当的;(枪)近距离平射的;水平瞄准的 adv.平射;直截了当地;立即 n.直射(点) 网络布兰卡;特战先锋;布朗 同义词 反义词 adv. at close range,straight on,dead on,close up,close to 1. On theotherhand,theanalystssaidpointblankany actionbutrevivalofcredittradingcanshoreup themarketinessence. ...
point -blank layups 分均为无人戍守上篮 shot point -blank 近距离直射 Quicken point -blank 直线加速 Refuse Point -blank 断然拒绝 baldly point -blank roundly 露骨地 point-blank更多词组 英英字典 剑桥英英字典 (CLOSE) Point-blank shooting is done from a gun that is fired from extremely close to...
英汉 英英 网络释义 adj. 1. 直截了当的,干脆的 2. (枪)近距离平射的,直射的;水平瞄准的 adv. 1. 平射,直射 2. 直截了当地;立即 n. 1. 直射(点) 1. On theotherhand,theanalystssaidpointblankany actionbutrevivalofcredittradingcanshoreup themarketinessence. ...
“point-blank”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 形容词 a. 1. 近距离平射的;直射的 He fired the gun from point-blank range. 他在近距离开了枪。 2. 断然的;直截了当的 She gave him a point-blank refusal. 她断然拒绝了他。
point-blank 直截了当的 射击行话,来自point,点,blank,白。即直中靶心,引申词义直截了当的。英文词源point-blank (n.) 1570s, said to be from point (v.) + blank (n.), here meaning the white center of a target. The notion would be of standing close enough to aim (point) at the blank ...
point-blankadj.近距离平射的;短射程的;直截了当的;坦白的 adv.直接地;正面地;坦白地释义常用度 直截了当的 正面地 近距离平射的 直接地 坦白地 坦白的 短射程的英英释义 Adjective: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting""a...
point-blank a. 1. 近距离平射的;直射的 He fired the gun from point-blank range. 他在近距离开了枪。 2. 断然的;直截了当的 She gave him a point-blank refusal. 她断然拒绝了他。 ad. 1. 近距离平射地;直射地 The hunter shot the bear point-blank....