Preeclampsia is a multi-organ pregnancy complication, that is primarily detected when pregnant people have high blood pressure, and is confirmed by testing for the presence of protein in the urine. While more specific and accurate diagnostic and imaging
As a result, the first part of the paper analyses in detail the criteria for classifying hazards (genetic, typological phenomena, spatial, temporal, mode of manifestation, impact, effects produced, etc.), which allow the delimitation of types and subtypes. In the second part of the paper, ...
Another personal breaking point was being informed by an ex-friend that all concepts of time are a manifestation of white supremacy. This was in response to my being upset that my boyfriend was hours late, causing me to almost miss a flight. My boyfriend is white, but my being upset with...
An exception is FeSe, where at ambient pressure SC emerges at about 8 K out of a nonmagnetic nematic state that sets in at much higher temperature ~90 K25,26. The origin of the nematic state in FeSe is currently under debate, with both orbital and spin degrees of freedom possibly...
By means of "guilt-free for the corporate, guilt-free for those responsible", the purpose of compliant reform of corporation involved is to create a better development environment for economy, as it may minimize the hugely detrimental impact of corporate crime on economic growth. The achievement ...
Inatextwiththeexpressivetitle“TheHeir,”Eisensteinproclaimscinematheheiroftheoldarts:The historical place of cinema in the history of the artsItsoriginsintheruinsofthe“secondbaroque.”5Otherartsdisintegratetolevelzero.“-Isms.”Eachbasedononeparticularfeature.Thecollapseofbourgeoissociety.Cinemabeginsfrom...
A mechanical trauma to the spinal cord can be followed by the development of irreversible and progressive neurodegeneration, as opposed to a temporary or partially reversible neurological damage. An increasing body of experimental and clinical evidence f
A superficial consideration of the historical manifestation of Nazism already shows that although it is a form of nationalism and as such ideologically attached to a particular soil and blood, the energy of such a nationalism very quickly gives it an international momentum. That the identitary ...
Charge transport at the Dirac point in bilayer graphene exhibits two dramatically different transport states, insulating and metallic, that occur in apparently otherwise indistinguishable experimental samples. We demonstrate that the existence of these two transport states has its origin in an interplay bet...
other studies suggest that reduced RAAS factors are not a cause but rather a manifestation of late-onset PE, and urinary aldosterone is not correlated with PE but its reduced levels are correlated with low placental weight and body weight of the fetus, both of which are common clinical findings...