and the closest human beings are often the astronauts in the International Space Station, which passes 250 km overhead every day. (That’s not a coincidence, by the way: Point Nemo will eventually be the ISS’s final resting place. The surrounding oceans have become a spaceship graveyard, ...
Point Nemo is more generally known as a Pole of Inaccessibility. In particular, it is called the Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility. A pole of inaccessibility is usually defined as the geographic location which is furthest from a coastline or from the land. That means that Point Nemo is just one...
Point Nemo was first discovered in 1992 thanks to the use of geotargeting software. There are no commercial ways to access the most remote point in the ocean, and with good reason. There is nothing there. No beacon or anchored marker. Just vast expanses of open ocean. The only thing a...
The target of human flight in space has changed from permanence on the International Space Station to missions beyond low earth orbit and the Lunar Gateway for deep space exploration and Missions to Mars. Several conditions affecting space missions had to be considered: for example the effect of ...
Antiqua consuetudo difficulter relinquitur: & ultra proprium videre nemo libenter ducitur.Old habits are hard to break: and no one is easily led beyond his own point of view. — Thomas a Kempis In De Imitatione Christi (1709), Book 1, Chap. 14, 23. As translated by William C. ...
Apparently many of her friends thought that she behaved like the Dory in the Nemo film and they gave her that nickname. Fortunately or unfortunately for her, it stuck. I think she might have thought I’d consider her a dizzy cartoonish character, if she’d shared this with me the night ...