How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
The meaning of POINT AT INFINITY is an ideal mathematical point in projective geometry that preserves the magnitudes of all angles of a transformed plane.
A point refers to an exact position or location in a space, often used in geometry to denote a location with no size, while a dot is a small, round mark used in writing, art, or as a graphical representation, having a physical size and visibility. ...
a brief version of the essential meaning of something; "get to the point"; "he missed the point of the joke"; "life has lost its point" charge: direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me" An exclamation mark,or bang (!) is a punctuation mark ...
The cartesian coordinates of the centroid of a set of points in the plane is the mean of their cartesian coordinates. Is there a geometric way of finding the centroid of an arbitrarily large set of points? Meaning, for example, that given the points plotted on a sheet of paper and a...
aThe possible shape objects are Point, Multipoint, Multipatch, Polyline, and Polygon - these are all objects in the Geometry library. 可能的形状对象是点,多点, Multipatch、Polyline和多角形-这些是所有对象在几何图书馆里。[translate]
alsopin-point, 1849, "the point of a pin," frompin(n.) +point(n.). Taken into aeronautics in a sense of "place identified from the air" (used to ascertain the position of the aircraft); hence the verb meaning "locate precisely" (1917), which originally was aviators' slang. Related...
-point-comes from French and ultimately from Latin, where it has the meaning "point, prick, pierce.'' It is related to the root-punct-. This meaning is found in such words as:appoint, disappoint, midpoint, pinpoint, point, pointless, viewpoint. ...
(1993b) have shown that the proper measure to use in such cases is the modified crossing number χskel = 2σ, this crossing number being different from χ because it is required not to test whether points can be eliminated from the skeleton, but to ascertain the meaning of points that ...
In this paper, a point-line does not have to be associated with a rigid body, and a point-line displacement is uniquely described with clear underlying geometric meaning. Following a brief review of relevant mathematics, geometric representation and properties of point-line displacement are discussed...