RBGNet: Ray-based Grouping for 3D Object Detection [det; Github] Boosting 3D Object Detection by Simulating Multimodality on Point Clouds [det] MonoGround: Detecting Monocular 3D Objects from the Ground [det, monocular; Github] PlanarRecon: Real-time 3D Plane Detection and Reconstruction from Pose...
[Foundation.Export("addArcWithCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:")] public virtual void AddArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint center, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat endAngle, bool clockWise); Parameters center CGPoint radius nfloat startAngle nfloat endAngle nfloat clockWise Boolea...
Figure8c showed the results obtained on a footbridge. Once the sensor suite was installed, a straight line on the road below the sensor was calibrated. If a vehicle passed through the line from the prescribed side, the traffic count would increase by one. As shown in Fig.8c and Supplement...
specifications, and breakthrough advances of robotic grinding were summarized. Online measurement and path planning were analyzed on robotic grinding for complex components. Finally, some research interests and potential application areas were proposed to improve the accuracy, quality, and application range....
[Foundation.Export("bezierPathWithArcCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:")] public static UIKit.UIBezierPath FromArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint center, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise); Parameters center CGPoint radius nfloat startAngle nfloat endAngle nfloat...
The axis 𝑂𝑂′OO′ and the opening angle 𝜃θ could from calculated by the average values of normalized 𝑂𝑃0OP0, 𝑂𝑃1OP1, and 𝑂𝑃2OP2. Moreover, if we limit the axis to be vertical in some situations, one sample point will be sufficient. Sphere. Another point 𝑃...
In precision viticulture, the intra-field spatial variability characterization is a crucial step to efficiently use natural resources by lowering the environmental impact. In recent years, technologies such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Mobile Lase
For a nonlinear segment, 𝑛⇀𝑜n⇀o is a tangent vector of the fitted nonlinear axis segment on point o (see Section 2.2.3). 2.3.2. Determination of a Straight Line Equation This step aims to partition cross-sectional plane 𝛼α according to a given rotation interval angle Δ𝜑...
Lastly, Channel 3 operates in the green spectrum with a wavelength of 532 nm and a forward-looking angle of seven degrees. Two datasets captured by the system are shown in Figure 1: the Harbor of Tobermory (HT) and the University of Houston (UH). Figure 1. Visualization of two scenes ...