PDF:An Efficient FPGA Accelerator for Point Cloud Abstract Deep learning-based point cloud processing plays an important role in various vision tasks, such as autonomous driving, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR). The submanifold sparse convolutional network (SSCN) has been widely u...
Point Cloud Completion by Skip-attention Network with Hierarchical Folding CVPR 2020 利用多级Folding结构和skip-attention来进行点云补齐 Folding结构是之前就有的,本文主要是利用skip-attention将folding结构堆叠起来,更加深了,有点像受到了ResNet和DeepGCNs的... ...
所属公司:Pointcloud 当前融资轮次:种子轮 成立日期:2017-01-06 所属地:加利福尼亚 简介:Pointcloud,高性能3D成像。 简介:Pointcloud,高性能3D成像。 融资历程 1 导出 序号披露日期融资轮次融资金额企业估值比例投资方关联机构来源 12018-04-26种子轮330万美元-- ...
北京晶亦精微科技股份有限公司招股说明书里面第1-1-151页里面提到他们一项关键技术:“电涡流与激光终点检测模块定制研发”。找来他们专利CN202111505084.0《一种CMP电涡流终点检测装置》;论文《基于FPGA的CMP电涡流终点检测装置设计》学习一下。 化学机械研磨 CMP( Chemical Mechanical Planarization )设备在对晶圆表面的...
The one or more NTCRM of claim 1, wherein one or more of the point cloud bounding regions are associated with a specific point cloud object with an object identifier. The one or more NTCRM of claim 1, wherein the metadata samples include the priority information, and wherein the priority...
cloud Assets WebsiteCloudGuard Network Solution BriefAlkira Alkira is reinventing networking for the cloud era by offering industry’s first cloud network infrastructure as-a-service platform. With Alkira Network Cloud, enterprises can seamlessly deploy and operate global networks connecting users, sites,...
comparing a location between the respective point of the sub-sampled point cloud and a neighboring point in the sub-sampled point cloud to the point cloud prior to the sub-sampling and determining, based on the comparison, whether: a point is to be included at the location, not included at...
Google Cloud Google 雲端平台是由 Google 營運的安全專用公共雲端運算服務,提供一系列基礎架構與應用程式服務,可在雲端中進行部署。適用於 Google 雲端平台的 Check Point CloudGuard 讓客戶能夠透過全方位的保護將安全性擴展到 GCP 雲端之中。 雲端 資產 Google Cloud MarketplaceGoogle 雲端資安參考架構...
An Efficient FPGA Accelerator for Point Cloud Deep learning-based point cloud processing plays an important role in various vision tasks, such as autonomous driving, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR). The submanifold sparse convolutional network (SSCN) has been widely used for the...