QingyongHu / SoTA-Point-Cloud Star 1.6k Code Issues Pull requests 🔥[IEEE TPAMI 2020] Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey semantic-segmentation pointclouds 3d-segmentation instance-segmentation 3d-deep-learning 3d-detection 3d-classification 3d-tracking Updated Jun 8, 2021 zubair...
[Code] github.com/jiawei-ren/m[Keyword] Point Cloud Classification, Robustness, Corruption Taxonomy 这篇文章对真实世界的点云损坏进行了归类,建立了对应benchmark,并对常见的点云分类模型进行了鲁棒性的研究。文章从三个不同层面给出了鲁棒点云分类模型的设计建议,并提出了一个鲁棒的点云分类模型RPC(Robust ...
Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options master BranchesTags Code README MIT license This repository is for Geometric Back-projection Network (GBNet) introduced in the following paper: Geometric Back-projection Network for Point Cloud Classification ...
A. 3D Point Cloud Classification. Volume-based Methods Projection-based Methods Point-based Methods Transformer-based Methods B. 2D Image Classification III. 3D CONVOLUTION-TRANSFORMER NETWORK 在本节中,我们将展示如何在三维点云分类的分层框架中结合Transformer和卷积。我们首先介绍分层网络架构的设计,然后介绍...
Deep learning-based 3D point cloud classification: A systematic survey and outlook HuangZhang, ...XiaoBai, inDisplays, 2023 3.2Application of point cloud In the processing process of thepoint cloud, the same kind of point cloud data not only has similar reflection intensity, color, and other in...
1. (2023年新疆大学、中科院等点云分类最新综述) Deep learning-based 3D point cloud classification: A systematic survey and outlook(2) 2. (2022 IVC 行人再识别综述)Deep learning-based person re-identification methods: A survey and outlook of recent works(2) 3. 给刚刚进入实验室(或入门深度学...
Deep learning-based 3D point cloud classification: A systematic survey and outlook HuangZhang, ...XiaoBai, inDisplays, 2023 3.2Application of point cloud In the processing process of thepoint cloud, the same kind of point cloud data not only has similar reflection intensity, color, and other in...
Revisiting Point Cloud Shape Classification with a Simple and Effective Baseline 使用简单有效的基线重新审视点云形状分类 摘要 处理点云数据是许多现实系统的重要组成部分。因此,人们提出了各种各样的基于点的方法,并报告了随着时间的推移稳定的基准改进。我们研究了这一进展的关键因素并发现了两个关键结果。首先,我...
PointAugment: an Auto-Augmentation Framework for Point Cloud Classification. Ruihui Li, Xianzhi Li, Pheng-Ann Heng, Chi-Wing Fu. CVPR 2020 (Oral) Dependencies Python 3.6 CUDA 10.0. PyTorch. Codes are tested with version 1.2.0 (Optional) TensorboardX for visualization of the training process....
Point Cloud Classification Under Corruptions Ina recent work, Sun et al. studied robustness of state-of-the-art point cloud processing architectures under common corruptions.CurveNet was verifed by them to be the best architecture to function on common corruptions.Please refer totheir official repofor...