The meaning of POINT-BLANK is marked by no appreciable drop below initial horizontal line of flight. How to use point-blank in a sentence.
point-blank的词源 point-blank(n.) 1570年代,火炮用语中,“水平方向的”,据说源于point(动词)+blank(名词),在这里指的是目标的中心白色部分。这个概念指的是站得足够接近,可以在没有考虑弧线、侧风或重力的情况下瞄准point。 然而,早期的文献并没有提到白色的目标,这个短语可能来自法语炮火射击的短语de pointe en...
point-blank [ point-blangk ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA adjective aimed or fired straight at the mark especially from close range; direct. straightforward, plain, or explicit: a point-blank denial. adverb with a direct aim; directly; straight. bluntly; frankly: She told him point-blank that he...
point-blank 直截了当的 射击行话,来自point,点,blank,白。即直中靶心,引申词义直截了当的。英文词源point-blank (n.) 1570s, said to be from point (v.) + blank (n.), here meaning the white center of a target. The notion would be of standing close enough to aim (point) at the blank ...
The meaning of POINT COUNT is a method of evaluating the strength of a hand in bridge by counting points for each high card and usually for long or short suits; also : the value of a hand so evaluated.
It’s all explained below. The band recently released an eponymous EP. Scene Point Blank: First, what is your job title? To compare it to terms I know from the USA, it sounds like Social Work as an unemployment coach, of sorts? Eero Heinonen: I work as an “Individual Coach” in Ta...
pointblank Limited is referred to in these terms and conditions as "we", "us", "our" or “pointblank”. 2. PASSWORDS You agree: to keep your password secure and confidential and to not allow anyone else to use your email address or password to access the Sites; to not do anything ...
Site Address dataset True string Example: Library Name table True string SharePoint library name Folder folderPath string Select a folder, or leave blank for the whole library Returns List of Deleted items Body DeletedItemList When...
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The meaning of POINT AT INFINITY is an ideal mathematical point in projective geometry that preserves the magnitudes of all angles of a transformed plane.