For example when I create a new Tenant and add 100 Teams Exploratory licenses to it, sharepoint storage will be upgraded by 1TB (100x10GB) and if I won't remove the licenses even after their expiration date, currently I think the tenant will stay at 2TB sharepoint storage...
Before I could respond, a tremendous jolt tipped my body into his, momentarily. The train had resumed. The relief enlarged his eyes and released his jaw, shoulders, chest and hands, all at once. His green eyes lingered on me long enough to add another layer to our relationship. Green eye...
I have 100 licenses in my tenant and currently a sharepoint online storage limit of 2TB and I remove these licenses? Do I loose 1TB of storage limit and my data if my data is also at 2TB stored? If the limit persists, can it be used to simply add 1000 licenses to a...
As seen in the below screenshot, I have managed properties assigned for PMedia Logo column, when I add values to the column, same is not getting reflected in...