首先,我们需要获取doc文档的内容范围: Rangerange=doc.getRange(); 1. 然后,我们需要将范围中的每个段落复制到docx文档中: for(inti=0;i<range.numParagraphs();i++){org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Paragraphp=range.getParagraph(i);org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.ParagraphpNew=docx.createParagraph();pNew....
在Java中处理Microsoft Office格式的文件,Apache POI库是一个强大的工具。此外,百度智能云文心快码(Comate)也是一个值得关注的文档处理工具,它提供了丰富的文档编辑、转换等功能,感兴趣的用户可以点击此处了解更多:百度智能云文心快码。接下来,本文将重点介绍如何使用Apache POI库将.doc文件转换为.docx文件格式。 首先,...
1 public static void readAndWriterTest3() throws IOException { 2 File file = new File("C:\\Users\\tuzongxun123\\Desktop\\aa.doc"); 3 String str = ""; 4 try { 5 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); 6 HWPFDocument doc = new HWPFDocument(fis); 7 String doc1 = doc....
--- 把符合xml的String转成document对象被java程序解读 StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(xml); InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(stringReader); Document doc; doc = db.parse(inputSource); --用xpath解析 --生成xpath对象 XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = f...
String srcPath = "D:\\poi\\inpoi\\征信\\***.docx"; //新文件路径 String destPath = "D:\\poi\\outpoi\\***.doc"; wordUtils word=new wordUtils(); //完后word转换 String status=word.writer(srcPath, destPath, combineResultMap); word...
/*** doc转docx *@parampath *@paramoutPath *@return*/publicstaticvoiddocToDOcx(String path,String outPath){ Document dc=newDocument(); dc.loadFromFile(path); dc.saveToFile(outPath, FileFormat.Docx_2013); dc.close(); } 整体工具类对文档进行兼容判断处理,doc就生成临时docx文档进行转换代码如下:...
(); } } /** * 支持DOC, DOCX, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, EPUB, XPS, SWF等相互转换 * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // 验证License if (!getLicense()) { return; } try { long old = System.currentTimeMillis(); Document doc = new Document...
HWPFDocument对应 word的.doc,不支持.docx */ public class ReadWordWithFormat { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String filePath = "你的word文档地址.doc"; printWord(filePath); } public static void printWord(String filePath) throws IOException { InputStream is = new ...
1、oidocdocx依赖dependencygroupIdorg.apache.poiartifactIdpoi-scratchpadversion4.1.1这需要注意:版本的word是doc结尾,新版本的word是docx结尾,如果出现这个异常:org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OLE2NotOfficeXmlFileException: The supplied data appears to be in the OLE2 Format. You are calling the part...
Matcher; public class DocxTemplateUtils { private final Map<String, Object> params; String filePath; InputStream is; XWPFDocument doc; public DocxTemplateUtils(String templateDocxFile, Map<String, Object> params) { this.filePath = templateDocxFile; this.params = params; try { is = new File...